
edited December 2011 in First time moms
Is it normal lo doesn't hold his nuk in hid mouth? He wants it but I have to hold it for him... will he eventually do it himself?? He's 7 wks.


  • That happen w my youngest. Eventually she got the hang of it.
  • @mommyof3girls thanks! He really likes it but it always falls out if I don't hold it for him
  • My son's 3.5 months (4 months on the 6th) and he can't keep it in (or won't, I'm not sure which it is lol). He's tongue tied; idk if that is 100% the cause though. He is fine bfing and taking a bottle, but can't keep the paci in. He doesn't really like it though, he'll only suck on it for a few mins. We have to hold it in, however, and we've tried EVERY pacifier made. I think my kid's the exception to the rule though, most bubs figure it out and love pacis.
  • @mam082711 how do you know he's tongue tied? Jwing if he might be... we've tried a cpl different ones now he seems to prefer the nuk ones over the round soother ones, but he has advent bottles and he does fine with them... it just stinks cause he likes it when he's trying to sleep but if I take it out too early he'll wake up lol sometimes he's just fine if its just touching his lips lol
  • Well tongue tied is a short frenulum. It's the piece under your tongue that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. They'd have told you at birth, or should've anyway, if he's tongue tied. My fiance was tt (I'm tired of writing it out lol) and I'd never heard of it before but knew instantly that our son had it too. He can't stick his tongue out and bc of the short frenulum, the tip of his tongue looks heart-shaped. Sometimes it can affect feeds so they'll clip it right away, but my son doesn't have any sucking issues feed-wise. We'll see an ENT specialist for a consult as for when it should be clipped bc it can cause speech problems and I don't want him being made fun of for that. Kids will pick on kids anyway, but why add fuel to their fire? Lol I just know it's a different suck for a pacifier than it is for a bottle or boob and he just can't do it, or doesn't want to do it, I'm not sure which. You can google pictures of it.
  • Sorry forgot to tag you @luvmybbyboyj
  • @mam082711 they never mentioned him being tongue tied so he's probably not and I think he's stuck his tongue out before... he's probably just being stubborn lol he likes having his mommy on a short leash lol
  • My son us 9 weeks and has the same issue. He is also tongue tied. I will be discussing it with his Dr at his next appt. My daughter had it so bad that she couldn't even eat baby food. She would gag, choke or throw up. You need your tongue to chew or to mush up the tiny pieces so it was a problem. I kept telling her Dr about it and she just said that her tongue was fine. Finally I took her to see an ENT and two weeks later we had it clipped. It's harder when they have a mouthful of teeth, so the ENT said.
  • Oh and I have wasted money on every pacifier out there, he just likes his thumbs better!
  • Are the pacis the right age?
  • My baby is 9 wks an she is ok at keeping hers in not real good at it either she's on mams
  • @mom924 @bentleysmommy716 yeah I got him the 0-3 month ones in all the different ones that we tried... so idk hopefully he'll get the hang of it
  • Maybe try a brand with a smaller nipple or bigger one. I hope he gets the hang of it! Bentley was tongue tied too but we had it clipped because he wouldn't latch but he also wouldn't take a paci. He only took my finger for a while. He also didn't like silicone pacis at first. He liked the latex(brown nipples) because they felt more like skin :)
  • @mom924 I never even gave that a thought! The head pedi at our group doesn't even agree with tongue clipping. The other 2 said it's up to us. So next appt I'm asking for an ENT referral. Now I don't want to start solids til we get him evaluated by an ENT!
  • @mam982711 it was horrible! Being a first time mom it was very stressful that she had such few choices for food. Because she was 18 months when I took her to the ENT they had to do it as an outpatient surgery and she had to be out under, thanks to the pediatrician who said nothing was wrong. I highly suggest getting it taken care of as soon as possible. My friends daughter is a few years older and she had it done also, she helped me work with my Allie to correct her speach before it was problem. And.... its hereditary! I had mine done as a baby as well!
  • Can a baby not hold a paci and not be tongue tied? My 2 mo old likes a paci but can't hold it. I didn't think she was tongue tied though. No idea.
  • My LO doesn't really know how to hold it in his mouth either, he is 10wks.
  • My first 2 babies were never told they were tongue tied :/ I had to figure it out on my own. My third I made sure to check at birth and clipped asap so no nursing issues. My kids never took a paci so no idea.
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