@Momma_luvz_her_4 me too! What risk level is a complete placenta previa? How far along are you? I'm in the 19th week now but they told me maybe it would migrate... I'm hoping mine does. They just said it was a full previa and no sex, etc...
I am considered high risk due to hospitalization in the first trimester because of an intestinal parasite called cryptosporidium. Weeks of the runs, vomitting, fever and dehydration. Anyway the parasite is self eliminating and now I am better. But had to do the whole genetic testing and perinatal ultrasounds. But luckily the baby and I are doing good
I was getting 2 ultrasounds a a month too until 02 14 then they told me that the babys doing better than anyone could have suspected and now i only get to see my baby 1a month until a lil further down the road boohol
I have to see my doctor every week to have ultrasounds to measure my fluids and baby, plus blood work and NST's. I'm not even 7 months yet but hopefully it helps to keep baby in there so she develops well and gets nice and plump and healthy.
@baby_gurls@MsKrystal@catben What blood diseases? Why blood thinners? I have SLE (Lupus) I am also on blood thinners for life, as well as a surgically implanted filter into my main artery to block any future clots from going into my heart or lungs. Its frustrating as I'm 27, had 4 other children, I get sick so easily since Lupus is an autoimmune disease, I can go into flare ups or remission (similar to cancer, HIV& AIDS) so its always a rollercoaster. I actually got it from blood transfusions 18mos ago when I got H1N1, turned into pneumonia, am extremely anemic. Its nice to know I'm not alone. %%-
I'm high-risk due to my history of multiple miscarriages, Lupus Anticoagulant (different from Lupus SLE; this is a blood-clotting disorder), hypothyroidism, and PCOS. I'm 22 weeks preggers with a baby girl after being told I would never be a mommy & losing two pregnancies. I'm desperately trying to listen to my OB & take things easy so I can avoid bed rest & keep my baby bun cooking in the oven for as close to full-term as possible. Best of luck & love to all us high-risk ladies!
I'm extremely high risk cuz I had multiple kidney surgeries early in pregnancy and get massive stones. I also developed blood clots. 13w tomorrow with my 1st lil boy!
@MrsDelRae - The way my doc explained it, people with Lupus SLE often have or will develop LA, and vice versa, but I keep testing negative for SLE, which is good. Lupus Anticoagulant prolongs the time it takes blood to clot & is associated with spontaneous miscarriage. As you know from being a sufferer, Lupus SLE is an autoimmune disease, with lots of symptoms that can be life-inhibiting & debilitating, but the two conditions are separate. I find it very confusing!
I am high risk I have had two boys born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia my first son was on ECMO and lived 21 days and my second son for only 1hr, I am pregnant with my 3rd and am scared but have to give it all to God.. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia when I was 19 and have been on all kinds of meds for pain and inflammation and because of my fibro I had gained 100lbs in 4months!! I have been trying to get it off it sucks!
@kingsmama I am high risk for the very same reason. Only not during this pregnancy. During my last pregnancy my kidneys almost killed me and the baby so they are keeping a close eyes on me this time. I was laid up in the hospital for two weeks and had to have kidney stints that had to be replaced every two weeks. Glad to know I'm not the only one with crappy kidneys
@desertrose - I just wanted to say that my prayers are with you, & I'm so in awe of your beautiful strength. Your story made me cry. I've had two miscarriages, but both were first trimester & never made it all the way to birth. I know how terrible that pain was, & I couldn't even begin to imagine the depth of the heartache you suffered. This is our third pregnancy, you & I, and again, I know the fears & anxiety I have & cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like for you. My heart grieves for your losses, & my soul prays & hopes that this is the time your little angel stays here on earth with you. Again, your strength leaves me awestruck & so inspired. God bless you & your family. We may not know each other, but my thoughts & prayers are with you! When are you due?
Hi risk here, too. Insufficient cervix, 34 yrs old and previous miscarriage. I just know this time is different, though. I dreamt about our baby the day before I even realized I might be pregnant and we had given up on having our own. :-)
Sad to hear so many others in this category. :-( You're all in my thoughts and prayers.
@artistmamma ty so much for your kind words and prayers they are so appreciated I am due on my 8th wedding anniversary sept 13. I had such a hard time after my boys passed and struggled everyday and then 8 short months after losing my 2nd son my 22 yr old brother was killed in an accident (semi driver cut my brother off and his sti went under the back) I realized then that our children are loaned to us in this life until the Lord chooses to call them home I am praying for you also ty again
@desertrose - For you to have been through SO much and still be positive like this is a true testament to the unending strength we seem to lose sight of so often. You definitely have it. I'm very sorry to hear about your brother, and you are right: None of our time here is guaranteed. That's why it's important to live your days to the fullest and love those around you as hard as you can, never taking them for granted. I'm due July 2nd, and I'll be looking forward to popping on to Pregly come September to hear ALL about your sweet, healthy baby. You are VERY welcome and thank you for the prayers and support also!
@kalikojenie ya I almost died from mine too! They said I was about 6 hours away from dying cuz over 60% of my right kidney was filled with puss and it was leaking into my blood stream. I had a stone bigger than a quarter in my kidney and it was pushing into my uriter so I couldn't pass urine from it. They were afraid to put me under to put the stent in cuz they didn't wanna push the puss around cuz of woulda killed me fast I was in ICU for a week then they put a pick line in my arm and sent me home to do antibiotics for 2w b4 my surgery to remove the stone (which my kidney was trying to absorb into its walls). Well 4 days later I was hospitalized for another week cuz I had gotten bloodclots from it being in. I didn't know I was preggers when I went in (af wasn't due for 3 days) and they told me that then said u need surgery now or u and ur baby will die! I was only about 5w preggers too! It was the most scary and excruciating pain I've ever had in my life I wanted to die! It's crazy how we both survived that tho I been getting stones since I was 14 too its nuts!
@artistmamma yes, my RA said that as well, but also said they have a lot of similarities that its often hard to tell the difference&a lot of people who have either often have the same treatment. My blood is way too thick, but since they treated me so aggressively& found out so quickly, I am on a very low dose of thinners, off almost all the meds I was originally on, been in remission for 8mos now (longest its ever been), which helps with pregnancy. It just sucks big time always being sick, but I have adjusted to the disease quite well. I just wish more people were aware of the seriousness of it, understood the hardships it entails&that one day there are better treatments/options. The only med I was told truly works the best for it I am severely allergic to (malaria med) so I was put on Warfarin, Lyrica, muscle relaxers&painkillers, occasionally I am put on Prednisone for my lungs, I use Albuterol for a nebulizer. How long have you had it? How did you find out? A friend of mine just found out she has SLE just last week, she isn't handling it too well. Best wishes for you!
im high risk due to miscarriages on both sides of the family and my other 2 childern were born with birth defects...daughter had to have heart surgery and son was on oxygen...plus I suffer from anxity and manic depression...
Im high risk b/c of breast cancer. I had a mastectomy but they want to give me chemo but im scared of the risk for my baby when it will only increase my odds by 6% that it wont return. 13weeks
Okay ladies i just finally passed my kidney stone that they made me pass naturally : ( on the 9 i got an appt for genetic counsiling and an hour later i hav an ultrasound where their gunna check to c if babys got all 10 fingers n toes
@lovemyboys I have diabetes and have had it almost 16 years. have you had any problems with your pregnancies do you have any advice?? Anything would help
I'm also high risk due to an autoimmune disease and the treatments I take for it. I also had a previous miscarriage so will be followed by a perinatologist.
Im extremely high risk due to lupus nephritis(sp), and high bold pressure. I have been on bed rest since week 20 and was told if I hold my baby girl 28 weeks it'll be a miracle, im 26 weeks tomorrow so two more weeks!! I want to be a miracle and at least hold her until 35 weeks!! I hope all you u have great pregnancy, and healthy babies!!
What blood diseases? Why blood thinners? I have SLE (Lupus) I am also on blood thinners for life, as well as a surgically implanted filter into my main artery to block any future clots from going into my heart or lungs. Its frustrating as I'm 27, had 4 other children, I get sick so easily since Lupus is an autoimmune disease, I can go into flare ups or remission (similar to cancer, HIV& AIDS) so its always a rollercoaster. I actually got it from blood transfusions 18mos ago when I got H1N1, turned into pneumonia, am extremely anemic. Its nice to know I'm not alone. %%-
Best of luck & love to all us high-risk ladies!
Sad to hear so many others in this category. :-( You're all in my thoughts and prayers.