mothers who have successfully went from breast to bottle...

Ok so many of you know I am battling with my lo to take a bottle. Well today after I tricked her..she finally took a bottle. So my question is...should I try again today? Is that too much adjusting at one time? Should I just try once a day until shes takes it without being tricked?


  • How did you trick her?
  • edited December 2011
    @heyitsme she likes water from the bottle. Just not bm. I guess she only wants bm from the source. So I put water on one bottle & formula in another. I let her get a few gulps of water & then snuck the other bottle in. At first she pushed it out but then she took it!
  • Try the mam brand bottle. Its wide at the bottom and its a vent air type bottle and the nipple is flat. My son wouldn't take any other bottle or nipple or anything!! He took This bottle though!! I mean it when i said i tried every bottle!! Lol Good luck!!
  • Aww. I would keep doing it a couple times a day. but depending on her age I know she shouldn't have too much water
  • @heyitsme yea I know. That's y I only let her get about four gulps. It wasn't even an ounce and they say an ounce or two is ok.

    @mommyof3jac its not the bottle. She will take any bottle when it has the water in it. And she used to take bottles fine. She stopped around 3 weeks ago. Ive tried every bottle tho thinking that was the issue at first but now I see that its not.
  • Oh LOL I'm sorry I read That wrong!! Have u tried mixing half formula and half bm?
  • Yea she still wont take it. She wouldn't even take the formula until I tricked her. She just a lil stubborn thing. I don't mind having to trick her into taking the bottle. I'm just not sure if I should do it once a day or try it multiple times. I was wondering how other moms did it. If they did the bottle gradually or just cold turkey.
  • Gotcha!! LOL I'm sticking my foot in my mouth now! :(|)
  • My lo will only use Breastflow bottles. All the others, the nipples are too small and he can't hold onto it.
  • @sands3 that's what shes on now.
  • Oh. Do you hold her real close to you as though your breastfeeding?
  • edited December 2011
    @sands3 yep ive tried that and also tried holding her away from me. Nothing works. She use to take the bottle just fine. Now its time for me to work and she refuses unless I trick her. Lol
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