How can i get baby to sleep threw the night?

edited January 2012 in Sleep
He naps alot during the day and fights sleep til 2am or longer.. I will be going back to work Monday and i will die if he only lets me sleep 3 hours a night, I have to be up at 5am to go to work. Any one have any suggestions? And is it okay to let him nap during the day?


  • ^^^thats all I know to do as well.
    Good luck my 2 yr old still doesn't STTN. Neither does my 2 and a half month old. :/
    And I wouldn't reccomend any methods because those can be dangerous. You can try the book the no cry sleep solution
  • edited January 2012
    I breastfeed my daughter every 2 hours from 6am to 10:30pm. I allow her to nap during the day for no more than 20 minutes at a time. I keep her active most of the time. At night I swaddle her after her last feeding, put her in her vibrating bassinet and turn on the sleep sheep. She has slept through 5 nights so far and she is only 7 weeks old.
  • My 13 week old has slept through the night since about 8 or 9 weeks. I let her take 2 naps a day for 2 hours. We get up about 9am. Play until around 11-12. Nap until no later than 2. Play until 5. Nap until no later than 6:30. Then we go to bed between 9-10:30.
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