Its normal at thirty seven Welsh. I got "eh barely a fingertip so maybe a centimeter and just starting to efface" and not much more then that at my 38. It will happen! Don't get discouraged its still early yet.
I'm 38weeks today & don't think gonna be having this little man any time soon, I'm in the UK & they don't tend to do internals til your in labour so no idea whether dilated etc but I'm barely even noticing braxton hicks yet but he'll get here eventually, decided gonna be like his dad - late for everything!
Thank you ladies I think I am just getting so excited to meet the little one I don't even know if its a boy or girl and just ready to hold my little monkey lol
I was nothing at 39 weeks! I was soo disappointed. Just knew I would be overdue. But I went in labor that same week at 39 weeks..went to the hospital because my contractions were 1 minute apart lasting about 1 minute. I would have another contraction about 5 seconds after one stopped. And I was only dilated to ONE when I got there! I just knew they were sending me back home.They admitted me anyway because my contractions were reading 1-2 mins apart. So don't think just because nothings happened that it wont happen soon!
I was closed and nothing was really happening I think at 38 weeks I made it to 2cm cause I was walking and bouncing on my ball like crazy and I was thinking the same thing and they day 39 weeks hit my water breaks u just never know. But u have time do I would use it to enjoy and relax if you can