So my bf used to be a personal trainer and he had a bunch of female clients that would always flirt with him and try and get with him.i put up with it because it was a good way to get them to resign and pay our rent.well now he's in sales and I figured he would stop talking to them since there is no need to. Well last night I went through his phone and saw that he is still talking to the one girl who was hard on his nuts. And she is always trying to get him to come over and go out with him and he said he would totally ask her out to a bar if he wasn't tired. And he has been lying to his friends saying that he is watching the baby and is always waiting on me to get home so he doesn't have to watch him anymore. He has never watched the baby a day in his life and he's telling then this when he is supposed to be at work.i was so upset last night I was shaking and sick to my stomach so I emailed him and told him about finding it and asking if he still even wanted to be with me and that I believed it was emotional cheating to continue talking to her like that. Well see what he says
Sorry you have to go thru this. What's his excuse for lying to you about being at work and he wasnt? Where was he?
Give him some time to cool off, then try and talk, if he isn't wanting to talk/work it out then its his loss.
Is liam sleeping now at least? Or is he still fighting it?