My gf wanted to kick my a$$. . . !

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
She caught me sneaking out for a cigarette . . . :-S. Is that so bad when I never smoke in front of her. .. ?


  • edited February 2011
    My a$$. . . :-P
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  • My bf smokes to I hate it but as long as he Dosent do it infront of me am ok with it. I cnt stand the smell it sometimes makes me sick if am not having a good day.
  • Just wash up when u come back in, face and hands. Oh Andaman brush your damn teeth if you plan on keeping them! Lol. It's the worse smell on earth when Ur pregnant. I try to be understanding, but I've definitely have had the hubby cut down.
  • Eeewwwww! Smoking is so gross! :0& sorry!! Even when you smoke outside and come in and wash up right away, a non-smoker, especially a pregnant one, can smell you three rooms away! Smokers don't realize the smell because a lot of the time they can barely smell. My bf can't even tell when I'm wearing perfume. Also, even if you wash up, the toxic resin is all over your skin and clothes and tiny babies are very sensitive too it. You would be her hero if you would quit smoking! Do it for you too!
  • I made my husband quit when I was pregnant the last two times. I would have killed him if i'd caught him sneaking. This time neither of us smokes anymore so it wasn't an issue.
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