I'm losing my mind
My daughter was getting tired around 9:00 pm. So i started the whole night time ritual early (she usually goes to bed at around 11). Well its 11:40 and she's still up. I've gotten her to fall asleep 4 times and everytime i try to lay her down she wakes up and starts crying. Im so frustrated right now. she's nursing now and falling asleep, im scared she's gonna wake up again when i try to lay her down.
@alwayzbeenurz2008 its so hard when they ate up all night hopefully mine will go back to her normal pattern tomorrow.
@megaroo wow that's crazy...now my problem seems so minor compared. I hope you can some rest you def need it.
@1stwoodsbaby my baby also took a long nap but it was ealier so i didnt think it would interfere with bedtime. She slept from 4:15-7:30
@ashleyfew my daughter has done that a couple times but not lately...now she has to be completely asleep to lay her down