I'm losing my mind

My daughter was getting tired around 9:00 pm. So i started the whole night time ritual early (she usually goes to bed at around 11). Well its 11:40 and she's still up. I've gotten her to fall asleep 4 times and everytime i try to lay her down she wakes up and starts crying. Im so frustrated right now. she's nursing now and falling asleep, im scared she's gonna wake up again when i try to lay her down.


  • Im im the same boat :( its 11:50 and she is not even close to sleep :(
  • Its 2:55 here and my lo JUST fell asleep
  • @megaroo @mimii36 Thanks ladies at least i know others share my pain. I'm gonna try to lay her down again. If she wakes up again i think i will start crying.
  • My lo never sleeps untill after 2 or 3 sometimes 4 every single night im loseing my mind. And im just getting sicker and sicker im so weak i dont know what to do anymore. :'(
  • I got up from the rocking chair and she is already waking up #%*@&;$!!!!!
  • @megaroo how old is your lo. Mine was like that the first 6-7 weeks since then she's been better but not tonight.
  • Try nursin her layin down till she falls asleep.
  • edited January 2012
    Im in the same boat as @megaroo
  • She is 10 months but im 17 weeks pregnant and i have a 5 year old and a 4 year. And this pregnancy is high risk and extremly hard already. The docter still dosent know whats wrong. So the up all night is really killing me!!
  • Mine is the same way right now. I was exhausted around 5pm so I let my LO sleep from 5:30-9 so I could sleep. I'm ready to go back to sleep.. she'll fall asleep if I rock her but when I lay her down those eyes pop open. No more long late naps for us no matter how tired I get.
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  • @isnino that would only work for me if she slept in my bed but i put her to sleep in her crib.

    @alwayzbeenurz2008 its so hard when they ate up all night hopefully mine will go back to her normal pattern tomorrow.

    @megaroo wow that's crazy...now my problem seems so minor compared. I hope you can some rest you def need it.

    @1stwoodsbaby my baby also took a long nap but it was ealier so i didnt think it would interfere with bedtime. She slept from 4:15-7:30

    @ashleyfew my daughter has done that a couple times but not lately...now she has to be completely asleep to lay her down
  • My lo is the same way. I find that if you let them get into a deeper sleep, its easier to put them down without waking. I have to wait about 20 minutes after she is asleep to even attempt to put her down.
  • We've had two rough nights like that. Night before last...he had a tummy ache and screamed. Lastnight he just wanted to be held. I finally was just so tired i let him sleep with me. But that still equals little sleep for me cause Im scared of him rolling and he kept fussing in his sleep.
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