ppd & breastfeeding
I believe I have ppd I have good days & bad & try to stay positive & ignore the sadness. for the most part it works but sometimes it doesnt & I find myself having a rough day. I dont ever think of harming myself or my lo its more of a sadness & me feeling im a bad mom & me being terrified of something happening to my lo. sometimes I have thoughts of something completly ridiculous hurting my lo or her getting sids & I freak out & have to check on her, like I know she is fine but I MUST check on her or I feel like It might become real. my bf mom is so nice & helpful but I feel like im in a rough patch with the ppd so I overthink things & lately she has been watching my lo while im in the house. I am still right there but I feel like I am a bad mom like my daughter gets bored of me or im not good enough for her, so its good I have help to watch her so she is around positive when im feeling down. I feel like breastfeeding really helps me cope with my ppd because I know my lo wants to eat from me & we have something special & im giving her the best food she will get because its natural. breastfeeding really helps I have no idea why but it does & im so glad I do it because without t I sometimes feel like my bfs mom wouldnt give her back if I didnt have to feed her (not in a negative way because she helps so much, just because she loves her sooo much she loves spending time with her) but I feel good that my lo wont ever be far from me maybe thats why bf helps me feel better. idk but I recently went back to work so maybe thats why im in a funk because I dont have my baby with me. I dont really know why I posted this or what I think ill get from this but I guess I needed to vent.
ps. try the niacin! any time you feel down.
Going back to work 6 weeks pp actually helped me a lot but I still have those days.
@moodymommy @loveourlittleone