
edited January 2012 in Ages & Stages
I cannot get my lo to stay awake during the day. I keep reading that at this age(2 months) that babies should be having longer stretches of awake time and fewer naps. My lo still likes to sleep all day. I try my best to keep her up. I play with that stuff and she still gets sleepy after an hour or sometimes less. And when she gets sleepy, there is no keeping her up because she gets SO ill. Help!!


  • My baby will be 12 wks Friday an she still sleeps all day I try to keep up from about 8pm for a few hours by undressing her playing putn her n her bumbo giving her a bath then a long message wit lotion :)
  • @Mrs_Jackson2anpreggo does she sleep through the night?
  • Our lo still sleeps a lot but when she is awake she is CONSTANTLY moving lol so she tires herself out fast. She takes naps a lot during the day but is still awake the same amount. She is 2 months old also.
  • My son is 4 months and.just starting not to sleep all day the doctor said it was ok because he is very alert when he is wake
  • omg my daught wont sleep during the day! there are rare days she will sleep long but other then that she is wide awake.. she is 2months & only wakes up once anight to feed. what are you guys doing that im not?! lol she will fight fight fight her sleep
  • @moodymommie looks like ure the lucky one. Lol
  • My two month old wants to sleep during the day but not at night. It's getting tuff
  • @alwayzbeenurz2008 I'm having that problem also. It didn't really bother me at first but now I'm about to start back work!
  • Try playing with her and changing her diaper wipe her butt with wipes that keeps my son up. He has a pretty set schedule up all day with 30 to 45 min naps during the day and sleeps all night
  • @txmommy93011 ill try the wipe thing. She just gets hysterical when shes sleepy and I try to keep her up. I just end up letting her go
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  • That's how my son was so 30 min into a nap i'll pick him up and move him around and he'll wake up and i'll play with him again. So now I assume he's used to it because that's what he does on his own. :)
  • @Mimii36 I've been back at work almost two weeks
  • My 3 month old has days that she just sleeps and sleeps and sleeps and others when she fights it... I just go with the flow but im a sahm so it's easier
  • @tinka1326 yea that's how I was. I just let her do her own thing because it was easier that way. Now I have to go to work and idk if that was such a good idea.
  • My 2 month old takes about 3, 15 minute naps during the day (from 7am - 10pm) and sleeps through the night! I do my best to play with her and run errands with her to keep her occupied.
  • @crisjoe lucky you. My lo isn't having it. And running errands will put her to sleep faster. The car is like a sleep machine. Lol
  • My lo is one month and she has two night feedings sometimes just one though but she only takes one long nap during the day usually 3.5 hrs and then she will be up for 3 or 4 hours I the row and cranky the whole time either its her diaper, food, or she just wants us to hold her, but then after 2 of the 4 hrs nothing makes her happy she just cries I have no idea whats wrong. Sometimes I wish she would take more naps during the day so we could get more done...
  • If I put her in the bjorn carrier facing me, she will sleep. If she faces outward, she stays awake. Just a thought.
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