I need help... Please!!!

edited January 2012 in Sleep
My son will be 6 months next week and he started to sleep thru the night from 6 weeks on, he would sleep 12/13 hours straight.. Well at 4 months it suddenly stopped and for the last 2 months he hasn't slept thru the night once, he gets up 2 sometimes 3 times in the night.. Every night!!! Nothing in his nightly routine has changed since we started it 6 months ago and I'm at my wits end with getting no sleep.. Since he quit sleeping for me he has spent the night with my parents 3 times and has slept straight thru the night without getting up once.. Idk what to do... I need help fast before I lose my mind..


  • Is there light in his room bothering him? Is he hungry/thirsty? Is he in his own room? Has he learnt to crawl or anything like that? Does he have much sleep through the day?
    There are lots of things you can try but it's usually a process of elimination...
  • Ive heard something about a 4 month sleep regression. I'm not sure of all the details but maybe you could google it.
  • There is no lights, he sleeps in a crib in our room, he sleeps a few short naps during the day, he wants to crawl and is starting to try.. The first 2 times he eats and fussy a lil when he goes back in his crib but eventually passes back out, the last just to be held..
  • Maybe it's because he is in with you guys, maybe he needs the quiet of his own room. When babies learn new things sometimes they wake more often to try out their new skills. Maybe try giving him the feeds in the dark (or as dark as you can if your bottle feeding) make feeding time boring, dont talk to him or make any noise.
  • @tinka1326 we dont have a room just for him cause our apartment just isn't big enough.. And his feedings at night are just like you described.. Idk anymore, I have his 6 month appt in two weeks so I plan on asking his doctor about it
  • Hmmmm... My son was a terrible sleeper so just thinking of all the things I tried lol maybe a meal of solids before the bed time feed... Is he in a sleeping bag or have blankets? The bags I know have helped some people and then lo doesnt risk gettin cold. I ended up doing a very gentle method of crying it out and within 2 days my son was 100% better but it's something that is a personal choice.
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