WIC - Baby Food



  • @bahamamama4827 Yeah, here in Utah for 1 child (i have 2 children but they only count my youngest because my oldest doesn't qualify because he's over 5 years of age) the limit is $1047 bi-weekly. I make $1060 bi-weekly. So, they told me I don't qualify anymore.

  • Wow that's a lot of food! Lol :)
    My baby won't get his until next month. I hope I get as much as you do, but I doubt it because I get formula :/
    Oh well lol
  • edited January 2012
    It goes by the number of ppl in your household that would be that 3 right? So the biweekly limit would be $1319. Not sure why they told you that you no longer qualified. @lilsugarsmomma
  • They told me that because my son doesn't qualify because he's over 5 (WIC here only helps for children under 5 so once they hit 5 years old they don't count), they only count 2 in the household. I don't know, that's just what they told me. When I asked why they count me then, they said because I'm the person applying and the guardian, so they ate obligated to count him. Oh well, I buy my formula and baby food at Sam's Club in bulk so its okay. If I can do it by myself, more power to me. I would rather be independent anyways!
  • *obligated to count me, not him haha
  • I didn't mean to hijack this thread, sorry!!
    That certainly is a butt load of food, I couldn't use all that, I'd probably end up donating to a food bank or something. That's an insane amount of baby food!
  • @crisjoe the reasons I will never qualify are because I'm married and I own a house. Apparently the 2 things I wanted most screw me over from getting helpInstead I pay for the families at my work who don't deserve what they do get. Frustrating it is!
  • @babyluv8 Exactly! Im married and own my house too. I owned my house for years before I got married and my husband was going through school. If I would've had a baby then things would be nearly impossible with just my salary. Now we both work, im on maternity leave, and the fact that we pay 1500 a month for health insurance for the three of us is insane...not to mention copays. Lucky I am a saver and don't have to go back to work immediately. Life isn't fair, but I do believe in karma. We are happy and healthy so all is well.
  • WIC give EBF mommas more food because breastfeeding takes from your body and gives to the baby. It to replenish YOU so you dont feel tired or worn out and such.
  • Doesn't it make you wonder why when the subjects of WIC or even welfare comes up everyone immediately talks about people stealing from the system or getting things that are free and they don't really need it. SMH

    Everyone doesn't abuse the system people... and please note that they're are WAY MORE upper class people abusing the systems than middle and lower class. SMH

    LOL... I'm too afraid to go to jail, I'm cute so I'd be forced to be someone's bitch.. LOL

  • @juliansmommy ... @ta2edblondie ...

    I just don't understand it. SMH
  • edited January 2012
    @ynvtish- I didn't get the part that said its only given to illegals and b's with 5+ kids, I'm neither of those and I'm getting it and so what if I was that's what its there for. :/
  • @juliansmommy... Yes I saw were @Lilsugarsmomma said that and I ALMOST took it personally. Lol

    I mean I do have 4 kids but since its not 5 and I just got my tubes tide I just KNEW she wasn't referring to me. LOL
  • @juliansmommy @ynvtish what she said was totally uncalled for!!!!
  • Ummm no, what I meant was, I have family members and people who use the system by popping out kids and refusing to work because they know they can keep getting assistance. Never once did I say the only people on assistance is illegal or people with a lot of kids, if you remember, I too was on assistance until I was kicked off. What I was trying to say was its bullshit that because of a $90 a month difference in my paychecks a month, I'm not given help. Here I am working 40+ hours a week so that I can survive, but people who refuse to work and get on birth control keep getting more hand outs cuz they're having more kids. I've been working since I was 16 and paying taxes every year, yet you have people who abuse the system getting shit handed to them and I'm paying for it??

    If you really need assistance, then I'm all for it! If you're working the system and taking advantage of it, hell yeah I'm gonna say something.g about it. I never said I was above anyone, and I don't think that way what so ever.
  • I really meant no harm in what I said, I really didn't. And I'm sorry you ladies took offense to it. I really don't know what else to say. I'm very hurt that I offended you guys, that was so not my intention. I was just venting about things like we all do. I don't think what I said was uncalled for because I wasn't bashing anybody. Seriously... I'm so sorry.
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  • @rileyandme Let me use my cousin as an example, hopefully you understand what I'm saying.

    She has 6 kids. She is addicted to meth. After her 4th baby, her 5th was forced into state custody because the baby came back positive for drugs. She refused getting on birth control and wound up pregnant with a 6th baby. 5 of the 6 kids have different fathers who she doesn't even know. She blatantly told me and other family members she refuses to protect herself because the more babies she has, the more handouts she gets. She also said she refuses to work because she's getting paid to stay at home by all the assistance, so why should she work??

    If you see nothing wrong with that, then I don't know what else to say. I've explained myself and I was never here to offend anyone. So I'm sorry I did so. Sorry that people like my cousin offend me, but it does. Cant help how I feel.
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  • @rileyandme the thing that kills me is, she's on Medicaid, and it will pay for birth control and sterilization! I took advantage of it because I know I couldn't afford a 3rd child to take care of. She is being selfish by bringing kids into the world when she can't support them and relies on you and I to take care of them with our tax dollars. That is what irks me. I am all for assistance when you qualify for it for the right reasons! If I were a millionaire, I would help so many families! It is very sad that they want to kill off their mistakes. There is a simple solution to that and its keep your pants on. If you can't keep them on then use protection! Poor babies have to suffer for moms selfishness. :(
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  • I agree with @jualiansmommy and @ynvtish im not illegal and this is my first baby and im sure as hell getting wic formula is pricey and its just one baby, u bet ill be getting it when i hit 5+ babys lol
  • Lol I get 11 cans of formula a month for my son. And a shit load of food. I'm glad I qualify for WIC. Lord knows they HELP ALOT :)
  • What about the people that don't qualify, but never have any money each month due to bills, rent, school loans, health insurance, etc.... I think they should look at where you money goes and not just how much you make.
  • @mom2ing i agree with uu all though this is gonna be funny, im a us citizen had an iphone, sold it wasent satisfied, have a coach purse, bought of of craigslist for 50 bucks authentic and beutifull, lol, and drive a 2010 camry thanks to my hubbys credit jijijiji....but yeah my sis in law is illegal and she gets wic, and i.see.nothing wrong with that i dont even know why the word illegal was brought.up.
  • I thank god every day for wic! I am ebf and right after my daughter was born i actually lived off of wic alone, bcuz we had no money for food! I. Sure learned to love lentils and pb & banana sandwiches!! LOL we are better off now but it kinda makes me sad to think people actually throw that food away cuz it sux choosing weather to keep your heat on or go grocery shopping!
  • @lilsugarsmomma ... No hard feelings girl! ;-) we all have pet peeves. I wasn't taking anything personal
  • Well I'm glad you're not taking anything personal...wish others would feel the same way. Anyway, I'm glad they're able to help you, that really is an abundance of food. Baby girl is gonna eat real nice! I'm glad WIC does baby food now instead of just formula, back when I had my son 5 years ago, all they offered was formula.
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