WIC - Baby Food

edited January 2012 in Solid Foods
OMG! I went to my 6 month old Infant WIC Appt today ... I'm exclusively breast feeding and today is when they want you to start solids... Even tho I already did a few months ago ;-)

Well they gave me vouchers for baby food.

36 jars of- meat
36 containers of veggies
36 containers of fruit
4 fresh bananas (to be mashed & served)
1 lg box of Rice
1 lg box of Oatmeal

Enough food for 2+ months. She'll be getting this amount monthly. Wow!

Ummmmm who eats all this ???




  • Wow u get more than me. They winter cover meat for us.
  • @proudmomma ... What about meats?

    @ta2edblondie ... I thought they mad a mistake and so I asked them. They said if you EBF then you get way more food you AND the baby.. more then the moms that request formula.

    Unfortunately... This food will go to waste in a few months. Just imagine how much will be left over in 3 months.

    My mom just got me the baby bullet set so I had planned to make her food too.
  • I wish Australia had a scheme like that...we get no assistance feeding our lo
  • That is so much wow
  • @cupcake22 ... You can have some of mine... LOL

    I can feed an entire tribe in Africa on this stock pile
  • Wat if u breastfeed and formula feed do u get that amount or less
  • @cupcake22 ... I'm going to get through one month first to see how much I use.. I already know 3 jars last for 2 days. So that's only about 45 of the 108 jars. I'm assuming I'll only get this for the next 3 months. Not sure what happens then.
  • @roxy ... I heard if you get ANY formula you get less. Not sure how much less. But with all this food it shouldn't matter.
  • I breastfeed but people tell me to lie and say I'm not. So I say I do both which I try to get my son use to formula just n case. But he dnt like it thinking of telling Wic I'm just breastfeeding. Do u get any thing else besides milk eggs cheese fruit juice serio beans Penut butter bread
  • I did both i get a ton too. But they only give the meats to EBF people, but i get a ton with out it!
    I love your vase by the way! :)
  • @megaroo ... Lol ..thanks I painted it!

    @Roxy ... Yes I get all that and also
    dried beans

    ton of fresh fruits and veggies to pick from...

    And also canned salmon or tunna
  • No meat. I get 24oz in cereal and 32 fruits and veggies all together
  • Haha that's exactly how much I got with my son, I still had some when he turned 2 so I donated it.
  • Ohhh my lord thats alot lol better tell lil Haylee to eat up ;)
  • Must be nice :-(
  • That makes sense, you saved them from spending more than $160 each month on formula for the past 6 months, they got to pay you back somehow lol that is a ton of food though
  • You could give some to a friend who actually buys their baby food! I know for me it would be nice to get something for free. But I never will.
  • @roxy I would tell then you only bf. It's less money they have to use on formula.
  • @babyluv8 I'm in the same boat as you. Nothing for free.
  • I agree with @ta2edblondie, you don't have to take it.
  • @crisjoe I get really touchy with this subject and I try not to sound rude especially when I don't know everyones situation. However I work with families who take advantage of it and could care less and it angers me, knowing that I will never get help even if I have to file bankruptcy!
  • @babyLuv8 I'm with you. I work in the medical field and it bothers me that some people know how to work the system. Some families need assistance and children should never go without, that's why certain programs were put in effect. Its those who don't need but "qualify" for help that at times take advantage. Troubles me that certain people make too much money in a sense but still can't make ends meet and therefore don't get help they need. Things need to be revamped to be more cautiously effective.
  • Wow ! In ky y we only get 36 jars of fruits and/or vegetables no meat at all !
  • edited January 2012
    I don't know how much we get in Utah, they kicked me off after I got my raise because I make too much. Ummm I'm a single mom getting zero child support not even making enough to live on my own. But whatever, keep giving that shit to illegals and bitches that keep poppin' out kids after the 5 they already have and refuse to find a job so they can keep getting assistance left and right.
  • @lilsugarsmomma have you tried applying for medicaid? I know here in texas if you have medicaid you automatically get accepted to wic if you have kids, just trying to help, i don't know how you're doing it, you're very strong!
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  • @kimberly4411 Yes, that is the only thing they have allowed, is my daughters Medicaid. Other than that, my WIC, food stamps and my Medicaid was taken cuz I make too much. For myself, I haven't had Medicaid since last July, but I was getting a little assistance with food and then WIC, but now I make too much even with 2 kids. Oh, I forgot, they did allow child care assistance since I'm working, but they dropped that amount down because of my raise even though my rates went up per month by over $100. The rates here for 2 kids is $1100+ a month. I pay over $300 out of my own pocket. :((

    But its okay because like you said, it only makes me stronger! My kids are fed and clothed and have a warm house and lots of love. I'd say we are doing alright, but that little extra help would really...well, help! :(
  • @lilsugarsmomma that is strange, the income requirements here are high for Wic, I forget how much but its around $3500 if it was just myself and 3 kids.
  • @bahamamama4827 Really?! That's way high!! Where do you live?
  • Oregon but not every county here has the same income requirements lol I live in a weird state @lilsugarsmomma
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