How much do you spend on your lo monthly?
Just curious
Sorry if you ladies have to pull out your pens, paper and calculators lol
Either bi-weekly or monthly?
I just like to be prepared L-)
Sorry if you ladies have to pull out your pens, paper and calculators lol
Either bi-weekly or monthly?
I just like to be prepared L-)
*Diapers $75-$100 on 3/4boxes
*Wipes $20-$30 on a box or 4-5 containers
*Milk $15 on a extra can to go with my Wic(a life saver)
*Clothes-she still have so many that was giving to me & that ppl still give me so I don't have to buy any YET! (But if I see a few cute things while out I can't resist lol)
*Bath & body essentials-I'm still using my baby shower gifts(after 3months)
I can only get WIC until my lo is 4 months:/ then we dont qualify when hubby is deployed
yeah i have alot of cousins ready to give me hand me downs, just waiting for me to tell them the gender on tuesday lol
@WyattsMommy wow thats really good! Do you ever have like half a box when your lo goes up in size diapers?
@JuliansMommy yeah thats good then! Formula is hella expensive! If I do have to use formula, I will have to pay out of pocket so im going to really try bf.
How many diapers would you say you go through a month?
@tinka1326 so you spend $100 on diapers and wipes a month? or do you buy other things?
@everyone thanks so much for your input! Im not scared but hate not being prepared! And since I have no family or longtime friends here in cali, its tough to get ideas and support about all the ftm questions and stuff haha
@JuliansMommy Ah i love them too! But in this cali weather im too cold to go shopping haha im used to tx winters that its 40 degrees one day and 75 the next lol its just 30 here everyday hah oohh youre not that far!
@JuliansMommy yeah luckily when I have my baby it will be summer and were spending winter in tx next year!
Formula around $60 a month (Costco)
Huge box of wipes $20 a month (Costco)
Bottle droppins $12 a month
Teething Tablets $21 a month
$113 a month just on essentials.
@monkey_girl Thats not bad either! when did your lo start teething?