Ugh. I'm ready to have this kid. I have a Dr appt tomorrow..hoping I've progressed! I've become paranoid with shaving what I can reach of my legs and my under arms. No clue why..never cared about it with my first lol. My due date is in 2 days
I went to the doctor today. Im 37w1d. Im barely thinned out any:( my body is so sore and tired from carrying her. Im anxious to meet her! Im about to start walking a mile a day! Lol
They stripped my membranes some blood :0& I'm having contractions but they aren't too consistent/frequent. So, picking up so food and gonna drop into bed for a nap they're estimating he's about 9 lbs.
I'm having contractions but they aren't too consistent/frequent. So, picking up so food and gonna drop into bed for a nap they're estimating he's about 9 lbs.