So sad. Dont know how i'll handle this

edited January 2012 in USA moms
I go back to work tomorrow afternoon. Aadyn is only 6 weeks old and I have to leave him already. I work 4-midnight during the week, and 8a-8p on the weekends working with developmentally disabled participants in a group home. I dont get breaks so I cant sneak home on a "lunch break" and I stay so busy, I most likely wont have time to call home & check on my LO. I was a sahm first son until he was 3yrs old, but poor Aadyn only gets me full time for 6wks. Im heartbroken. How do you ladies deal with it?


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  • @ta2edblondie what do you mean? The time ive had off has been unpaid leave. We're hurting bad for money at this point as it is
  • :( do u have days off?
  • I get thursdays n fridays, yes. But unfortunately ill almost never see my hubby. He works when he gets home, I have to work. And then when hubby has.the weekends off, I work 12hr shifts. We did it that way so one of US could always be with our boys and not have to rely on a sitter. It definitely takes away from "family" time though, as thursday & friday evenings are the only time we will ALL be together :(
  • I went back to work at 4 weeks pp with my daughter and it was hard but I kept telling myself I was doing it so I could give her everything she needed.. It takes time but it won't be so hard after a little while
  • @lacy809 thats what I keep trying to tell myself. Im just gonna miss my babies sooo much
  • I understand completely
  • @ta2edblondie is that in Cali? We don't have anything like that here in Oregon. Booo.
    PS. I have to work soon so I know where you're coming from.
  • edited January 2012
    Not every state offers parent bonding, I definitely understand you I have been off work since August and I go back the end of Feb:( The most I've been away from him is a couple hours so it's going to be really hard on me. I actually cried today just thinking about it. Good luck to you.
  • edited January 2012
    @ta2edblondie- oopsie, I accidently put that I go back the end of I wish that were true, that would be awesome! I actually go back end of Feb:( I'm with ya, I love my job but I love my LO so much more. Well hopefully the days go by really slow for us. Lol
  • Yea, he'll ne with hubby so he'll be well cared for. Its just hard leaving already. Like I said, my first son was 3yrs old before I went to work, but we didnt need the money then
  • I went back October 3rd and some days I still get upset. I had to work at 4 am yesterday so he spent the night with my mom and I missed him so much.
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