I had my baby boy 11-8-11**Added pictures**

edited January 2012 in Birth Stories
So I was at home the night of 11/7/11 eating subway with an extreme amount of pressure to my butt. My fiance kept saying your in labor i declined and kept saying no I'm not because my OB told me when I'm in labor TRUST me you will know it. It wasn't hurting just a lot of pressure that was uncomfortable. Went on with the night tossed and turned couldn't sleep. My cousin was in the bed with me while my fiance worked overnight so i got up about 4:30am and had to poo. When I pooped and wiped i saw BLOOD and freaked out. I paged my doctor twice and it seemed like forever before she called back. Finally she called and I said Dr. Wynn i see blood she said ok when is your due date i said it was 11/2 she said ok no problem get dressed and meet me at the hospital what your seeing is called "Bloody show" So i got dressed hoped in my car by this time I'm like blowing up my fiance's phone hoping he answers. He saw about 12 missed calls and called me back immediately told him I'm driving myself to the hospital it was time and to meet me there with my mom when he gets home. He said ok. about 6ish he showed up and I was already hooked to my IV's/ What I planned to be a natural drug free birth turned to be an epidural that worked WONDERFUL until the last 2.5 hours of labor I felt EVERYTHING. but of course my adrenaline was pumping so fast I don't even remember the pain. I do remember my doctor cutting me and stitching me up. It was the best feeling in the world once I saw my son. he was 7lbs 2 oz born at 7:15 pm. Alonzo Johannes :D



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