Giving up the boob...
My lo is 2 weeks now and I've been suspecting that my supply cannot keep up with her. We started supplementing 1 to 2 2 oz bottles a day (after nursing) and she was scarfing them down like she was starving. At her appointment today, she was still an oz under her birth weight. The doctor is going to recheck her weight on Wednesday, but if she hasn't gained 5 oz, I will need to supplement more and/or give up breastfeeding. I feel awful that I have been indirectly starving my baby because my milk can't keep up with her and it breaks my heart to give it up, but it's torture to think I can only comfort nurse her and not nourish her. I know she will be fine on formula, but I enjoyed nursing her. I just needed to get this out...thanks for reading.
You can do it! I know how discouraging, frustrating and exhausting it is, but the satisfaction of your hard work is so rewarding.
On a final note, I am a super taster, therefore I have a very keen sense of smell. I supplemented with fenugreek and blessed thistle and I didn't smell half as bad ad I thought I would. I would constantly ask those around me if I smelled funny and no one even noticed.
Good luck to you, you can do this!!!
I would call a lactation consultant and try some fenugreek, oatmeal etc. Its hard to supplement, then BF because they are so happy after the supplement.