work is trying to kill mr :'(

so...idk how im going to do this but...
i work mondays thru fridays 10pm til 6 am.
well this friday i work 10pm til 6am then go
home to ayva, then go back to work at noon til 7pm
then go back home to ayva
this is not going to be fun :(


  • In the UK its against the law to have less than 12hours between shifts!
  • Here you can't work less than 8 hours in between shifts.
    But I feel ya, I used to work those hours :(
  • it sucks bad
  • Hang in there girl! You will be strong and you can do it!!
  • I know that feeling but am currently on leave after a nasty incident at work that scored me a 3 day stay in hospital after surgery. I was more scared of coming home to my wife after the last time I was injured at work and then left the job. I did tell her I would always take every care to come home to her and tge kids every night, guess am just glad my partner at work is always watching over me lol.
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