Should your SO....

.....tell you when they spent money and on what? Or no big deal?
It seems mine is not telling me, I ask for the courtesy of letting me know. Is that too much to ask? I am my own boss so I don't make as much as I would like to.


  • My partner does, I dont want to know about every penny but if he spends cash and I dont know it means a bill might not get paid...
  • edited February 2012
    We usually split everything 50/50 (sometimes he pays more). So unless we need something big I don't really question where his money goes. But I pretty much know anyways lol.
  • I never merge my money with people I'm in a relationship with for this reason. It causes too much stress. When my hubby and I got married, I kept my bank acct and he kept his. We worked it so all the bills got paid and all and we discuss big items we need for the house. It's so much easier than getting upset if someone is spending more than their share.
  • I see it as our money. Small things are fine but when we have a house falling to bits a baby needs clothing and no savings i think its a bit selfish to go spend a lot of money on themselves.
  • My hubbie does most of the time he's got a bad habbit of paying a bill and leaving us w nothing
  • In my house my husband pays the bills and balances the check book so as a courtesy I keep all receipts for him when I spend money...but we made a $300 rule...if one of us wanted to spend $300 or more then we would talk it over first..and anything under that there are no questions long as we have paid the bills and put money in savings.
  • I recently just opened my own bank account once I came back to work BECAUSE every time i would spend money on the debit card I guess he would get an alert and check the account then call me YOU JUST SPEND $157 in TARGET? I can't deal with the questions and constant checking of the account. it's caused too many arguments and I say it's our money too but now that i'm back working everything is split 50/50 for my whole pregnancy he paid all the bills and i didn't ask him to buy me anything i would of course buy things for our son but he just used to go crazy with the account checking. i think. I think some things should be discussed i mean it's not to much to ask for but everything no
  • Our purchases are discussed before they are made. Even if its a $1 candy bar. We have been following a very strict budget for close to a year now and every cent is counted for. It helps us to stay on track and not to buy stuff we need. I would be very upset if he was spending and not telling me, and vice verse.
  • I guess I should have explained lol we do have separate accounts but his spending had left us not being able to pay a bill at all. We have separate money yeah but the spending and me not knowing, I usually pay the bills witb what money we both have.
  • edited February 2012
    I am a sahm so my situation is probably a little different. We no longer use our debit cards (joint account). I withdraw our grocery money every 2 weeks plus what I need for the kids usually totals 700 bi- weekly our bills are automatically with drawn from our account and whatever is left over usually stays in the account until we need to make a big purchase. I pack his lunch and thermos (sp) of coffee and give him $20 a week for extras (he has a company gas card). He would never even before "the budget" spend money without talking to me about it first. I use to be a big spender until we started this. We never balanced our account, its too hard to balance when two people are spending from the same account. This is easier for us because I'm a lot more frugil with cash then plastic! But to your situation have you discussed finances before? And does he know that it bothers you for him to spend without you knowing? A lot of my friends that don't have joint accounts divide their bills so she pays the house payment and he pays everything else which equals about what the house payment is. I would probably do it the other way around though, its a lot easier for men to remember one bill than 10 lol I think as long as you have a life together there should be direct communication about everything especially the things that effect you. It is wrong of him not to let you know especially if a bill will not get paid due to his spending.
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  • Lmao I just hid my hubby's debit card, wonder if he'll notice haha.
    I'm bad I know lol.
  • I give my husband an allowance bc i handle the finances so whatever we can afford that paycheck he gets a cut for food and gas. i keep his debt card bc he doesn't know what's in the bank or like ill pay a bill but it won't clear for a couple days and he'll go buy something thinking we have more then we do and spend it and ny check will bounce or something so.....i handle everything !
  • @ripkaydence I handle everything too
  • I take care of all finances and bills in our house so naturally I see everything coming in and out. We have the same checking account and credit cards and what not since we are married and wanted to combine our money. I would be very upset if I saw purchases that caused us to not be able to pay our bills. But if we are still able to pay bills at the end of the month then hubby and I buy whatever we need without having to discuss every tiny purchase.
  • If over 100 then yes
  • Our counselor says that we should agree on an amount that we can spend without talking about it, and anything over that amount should be discussed. But we're not in the financial situation to be spending anything unnecessary. so, right now, we discuss any money that we spend, no matter how little it is.
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