Anyone have a baby torticollis??

I think my LO has it. I noticed something strange since birth. Did you take baby to an orthopedic doc? How long was therapy/recovery?


  • Baby center has a good article on that . My 1 year old wen she was a newborn an this baby me an my mom both noticed that they kinda had there heads tilted to only one side sumtimes my 1 year old grew out of it an she seems to be to now I wonder if this is Wat it was an my Dr missd it ? I never knew it was a condition
  • You're doctor hasn't said anything about it? From what the article on baby center said, its pretty common, and I'm assuming if its that common, them doctors routinely look for it .. :-j
  • @lucyloo28 yea it sed on there that the parents may not notice but the pediatrician will so maybe my babys jus liked having there head turned that way lol
  • Whoa, don't know how that smiley got there, lol..

    @Mrs_Jackson2anpreggo when I googled it, I just looked at the pictures first and started freaking out because sometimes my daughter holds her head like that. But something that common, your doc would have checked early on and probably said something about it.

  • Aubree's doctor said she had it when i took her to her two month check up. She said not to worry too much and a physical therapist would call with an appointment time. Long story short they never did and i was too distracted with her reflux issues to notice. She'll be 4 months on Tuesday and it seems as though she has grown out of it. Im not sure what the doc will say when i take her in next week but if i find anything out that may help you, I'll be sure to let u know.
  • @lucyloo288 we don't do regular checkups and I didn't have a hospital birth or standard pedi. It was a couple weeks or so after birth I noticed. She has an appt with our naturopath doc on the 13th. I have to wait until then to have it looked at.
  • I was searching for info and it said without therapy baby won't hit milestone well.
  • Its her back too. Curving.
  • Then it might be, but I wouldn't worry too terribly much about it.. it seems to be fixable and not have any lasting complications. I can see how it would make them miss some milestones.. since so many early milestones have to do with head movement. Maybe call and see if they have any cancellations to get her in earlier..
  • Oh I will definitely call in the morning. I just worry lol @lucyloo288
  • Good luck! She'll be in my prayers!
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