37 weeks with a bad cold :-(

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
37 weeks pregnant and have a BAD cold....I know it has probably been asked 100 times but what can I take for it?


  • Go to your ob-gyn. you don't want to still be sick if you go into labor. I was sick at 37 weeks too, and my midwife gave me antibiotics, and it made it go away within a few days. Good luck and feel better!
  • Ugggg.... Still working full time. Guess I will have to find time my next appt isn't till next Thursday.
  • You can take the plain tylenol. Eat good and rest! Lots of fluids too. :)
  • I was sick around 28weeks, I was told Tylenol cold is ok. I also used the neti pot bc I.can't stand not being able to breathe, that is ok also. It's really just saline and it really clears you out:) vapor rub is ok too...if its something you need antibiotics for call your Dr. Hope you feel better.
  • I also had strep when pregnant with my other son and that I got the z pak for.
  • Antibiotics will only help ya if it is a bacterial infection. If it's a cold, they won't do anything because they don't help viral infections. :(

    You can use vicks, saline spray, cough drops (some say no and some say yes, it's up to your discretion), tylenol, etc. I used tylenol cold and flu because my OB said it was fine (kind of like dayquil/nyquil). Hope you feel better!
  • Thanks everybody!
  • 200mg of vit c too!
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