Go to your ob-gyn. you don't want to still be sick if you go into labor. I was sick at 37 weeks too, and my midwife gave me antibiotics, and it made it go away within a few days. Good luck and feel better!
I was sick around 28weeks, I was told Tylenol cold is ok. I also used the neti pot bc I.can't stand not being able to breathe, that is ok also. It's really just saline and it really clears you out:) vapor rub is ok too...if its something you need antibiotics for call your Dr. Hope you feel better.
Antibiotics will only help ya if it is a bacterial infection. If it's a cold, they won't do anything because they don't help viral infections.
You can use vicks, saline spray, cough drops (some say no and some say yes, it's up to your discretion), tylenol, etc. I used tylenol cold and flu because my OB said it was fine (kind of like dayquil/nyquil). Hope you feel better!
You can use vicks, saline spray, cough drops (some say no and some say yes, it's up to your discretion), tylenol, etc. I used tylenol cold and flu because my OB said it was fine (kind of like dayquil/nyquil). Hope you feel better!