October/November mamas...how long is your baby sleeping at night?

edited February 2012 in Babies
Maddox was born on 10/25/2011. He is sleeping about 6 to 7 hours a night, then wakes up to nurse and usually goes back to sleep for 2 to 3 more. He goes to bed at about 10pm. We just moved him to his crib two nights ago...and he is doing great in it. Here is a pic of him asleep on a pillow on my lap...he loves to hold his paci while he sleeps and also sleeps with his eyes part way open. (creepy when he is in rim sleep and you can see them moving back and forth)
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  • Jack was born on 10/31. He goes to be around 8pm, wakes up at 3am to eat, then back to sleep til 6am. Occasionally he will wake up once just for his paci and to be reswaddled.
  • Marlie was born 10/24 and she goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at 7 to eat then sleeps til 9. :)
  • And doesn't wake up between those hours. If she does i don't know about it. :)
  • Riley born 1st Nov has his last bottle between 9 and 10pm, then down and wakes up 7/7.30am. This morning it was 8.30am!
  • Jaksyn was born 9/13 (yea I know you asked about oct mommies, but I couldnt help but post) and he sleeps from 8pm to 6am or 7am (depends when his older brother decides it is time to wake the whole house up). He does not wake up in between unless maybe occasionally for a paci, and he has been doing this since a little after two months old.
  • Damin was born 10/2 & sleeps from about 10 til 7:30ish every night! :)
  • Savanah was born September 28th and since December 21st has been sleeping 9-12 hours a night goes to bed around 8:30-9:30 and usually wakes up between 7-9
  • Wow...it sounds like everyone's little ones are doing pretty good. I think that those of you who's kiddo sleeps 8-12 hours are pretty lucky. But I am truly happy with Maddox going for 6-7. I don't know if it would matter how great he sleeps cause I still get up several times a night just to check on him. HAHAHAHA and I am not a ftm! He is baby #4 and I am still a freak who has to put my hand on his chest to make sure he is ok. I was this way with all of them...well my 3rd who is about to turn 8 never really slept through the night unless he was in bed with us until he was about 6 or 7. He was my 1st baby boy, very needy, and very spoiled...so I never minded. But I am trying really hard not to let Maddox develop the habits that Mason formed with sleeping.
  • @Mommyo4 I have a 10yr old son named Mason & if my new lo would of been a boy we was going to name Maddox!! I was blessed with my precious baby girl Makenna tho. LOL had to share that with u. Anyways she was born 10/10 & sleeps from 10-5. Would stay asleep till 7 but I leave for work at 5:30 so I have to get her up. I'm like u with the checking on them through the night, even my 10yr old LOL
  • @momma_erica lol...we also have to girls MaKenzie and Madison. What is your Mason's middle name and did you have one for Maddox? I still check on my almost 13,10,& almost 8year old too.
  • Trixie was born 11-8. She goes to bed around 7:30-8 and gets up about 7-7:30. So about 10-11 hours and has been sleeping this way for about a month.
  • @Mommyo4 mine is Mason Audrick. For Maddox it would of been Neil (dads middle name) since we had a girl Makenna Neilee (dads Neil & mine is Lee, pronounced Nee Lee). My step daughter is Meagan so we wanted to stick with the "M" names. I at least know u have good taste LOL
  • I Had My son Tyree On 10/21/2011. Hes a great sleeper. He Usually Goes to bed around 9:45-10:15 Pm and gets up at 5 am for a feeding and then goes back to sleep for another 3-4 hours... And Hes been sleeping in his crib for about a month now
  • Mine is Mason Edrik Maddox Liam MaKenzie Paige and Madison Ciara
  • edited February 2012
    My lo goes down around 12..wakes for a bottle around 6 & goes back out until about 11!
    She was born 11.08.11
  • My little girl was born on Oct 14th and she goes to bed around 9:30 and sleeps until around 8
  • My baby girl is Makynzi Taylor and she was born on October31st and we put her to bed between 9 and 10 and it depends if she goes too bed at 9 then she wakes up about 230ish and then eats then right to bed but if she goes to bed at 10 then she wakes up at about 430ish then eats and right back to bed tell about 8 9 am
  • My baby, born 11/16 goes to bed at 9 usually falls asleep by 9:15, wakes between 2-3am and then 6-7am.for feeding and usually up by 8:30am.. he still takes 4 naps during the day, because he eats 4 oz every 3 hrs. Im gonna try 5 oz and stretch it every4 hrs because I think he will do beter witg 3 longer naps during the day instead if 4.
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