i can't be the only one..

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I see all these posts about dead beat bds and things like that. I don't see many women talking about how wonderful theory husband/bd is...move just brought me breakfast and also cleaned my car yesterday..he is supportive of my needs and knows when to help or when to stay away. I feel like such a lucky girl! But I surely can't be the only one...right?


  • My husband is also a great man cook me breakfast every morning and doesn't mind cooking on the days I don't feel good. Helps with our 22 month old and helps with my puppy. I can truly say I'm a lucky lady to have him
  • Jealous ... that's what I had hoped/thought mine would be. I always envisioned my bf being a family man with my family, offering to do things for me, trying to cook, bearing with my mood swings, idk etc. Instead he's just a total nightmare. He starts fights if I even so much as change my tone, or look away from him. Food is always what he wants, regardless of if its healthy or not for me, example carls jr and Wendy's in one day. He is never around my family. He tells me to get second job, and is only working for his own benefit of moving out, with or without me.

    You are very lucky, and I wish I could contribute with positive stories to this thread. Congrats on your baby and relationship :)
  • No mam your certainly not! Im very emotional not preggo and now that I am you canr only imagine lol hes been great and does whatever hes can to make me comfortable despite working 18 hour shifts im very lucky.
  • my man brought me breakfast today cooks and cleans and takes care of or 2 1/2 yr old son .... to think about it I don't do shit lol
  • No I have a wonderful husband! Lol there has been other post about wonderful boyfriends / husbands. They just don't stay up on top very long :) congrats! I feel very blessed to have the people I have in my life! And very thankful everyday. :) congrats again!
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  • I have to agree my husband is fantastic, very supportive and always keeps me laughing so I don't break down and cry
  • @ashes I am sorry to hear that! My husband and I have been together just shy of 5 years...I am also moody when not being pregnant...our age difference may play a small part in it..he is 10th years older than I am. He also keeps me laughing...otherwise I am sure that I would just cry all the time. It's not always peaches and cream..but the good does outweigh the bad. He is more than I could ever hope for..and I don't think I could have hand picked a better partner! He is my soul mate..100 percent! I am glad I am not the only one..I was starting to wonder!!
  • My bd is ok I mean I can only get wat he can provide besides not workin he is really perfect would love to marry him in the future but am young to b thinkin bout things like that @ashes I'm sorry to hear about the selfishness going on in ur life I believe while ur preggers its all about u wheather he like it or not
  • My bfs trying harder now 2 help me hes starting 2 clean the house and help me take care of r other 2 kids more. Lol its only been 4 days tho. We will c how long he can keep it up.
  • @august22baby my husband has a son from a previous marriage as well.I love his son! He is 7 and will be with us this summer when I have his brother! We are both active duty army so I understand about the deployment!
  • My hubby has been great, we knew coming into this pregnancy that it would be hard on me. I almost didn't make it with my son. I have to watch my bp and work to gain weight. He let's me sleep until 11 and brings me snacks when I ask. He follows me around like I'm gonna break. Lol. He Is normally very caring but this pregnancy has made him more attentive.
  • I have to says for the last two months I had only done minimal dishes and thats it so im really lucky instead of getting mad at me and yelling he brings me home a pink sapphire and diamond ring yesterday
  • I have a wonderful husband. When I met him he was a single dad to his 2 daughters and his 2 nieces and 1 nephew. He had custody of all 5 of them. Now 3 years later we are expecting my first. He is so considerate and always makes sure I am ok and taken care of. He even stays up with me at night when I am sick. In my experience most men dont change when there wives or gfs get pregnant. They are either good men before or not. Im not saying none of them change, there are always exceptions to the rule.
  • My hubby who is my best friend and I were married in nov I was 17 weeks I believe lol. He doesn't have any kids but I have a 5yr old. My first pregnancy with my son was hell my bd was a not nice person ;) so seein pregnancy from that aspect, to being treated like I'm royalty during this one has brought me to tears almost daily when I think how lucky I am to have an amazing hubby!
  • My husband is the best :) hehe he spoils me sooo much with anything I want (even if its a 3am run for French fries) I am so blessed to have him in my life even though I still want to strangle him he still always puts a smile on my face and not to mention how wonderful he is to my 7 year old we are truly a blessed family :)
  • I have a great bf/bd, he thinks that I shouldn't do anything but prop my feet up and relax all the time! He always asks how I'm feeling and he's very understanding when I have my mood swings :X
  • My BD is so supportive and amazing, everytime I need something he gets up and wont let me do it, I always get a massage. He is just a wonderful person and I am very blessed to have someone like that by myside :)
  • My husband is great! I love him so much. He treats me like royalty & cater to my needs. I'm so lucky I have him in my life.
  • I love my husband..today he gave me a foot rub and cleaned the house...he's a great guy.
  • I really expected my hubby to be great- like someone earlier said, how they are before you get pregnant is a good idea of how they will be when you are- but he was horrible with our first, especially right after she was born... I almost called it quits, but I'm glad I hung in there... a year later he was diagnosed with Celiac diease (gluten intolerance) & one of the glaring symptoms was "severe irritability"... crazy as it sounds, within a month on a strict gluten-free diet, his mood changed dramatically & I fell in love with him all over again. He even promised me he would be the husband & father this time around he knew he wasn't before. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high because I was so devastated last time, but I really hope it goes better this time!
  • I think my favorite pg memory of my hubby with our daughter(4 1/2) is when our water heater broke and he boiled water on the stove so I could take a bath. He got it all ready then every 10min or so he brought a pan in to keep it warm! We have #2on the way... lets see what surprises he has for me now!!
  • Yea, I love my hub too, sometimes... were on the rocks and were just not syncing right now. Were both two dominant personalities... so when were on, its magic and when were not... look out! We both wanted a baby, but we've been bumping heads ever since... I think today we managed to resolve some of our issues, we do have a lot of them... he does what he can, today he rubbed my stomach, brought me food and expressed his love... I think I'm just hormonal... sometimes I love him other times... well?
  • Your not the only one my fiance is soooo amazing to me he does everything I ask as well long foot and back messages if I ask for something he gets it for me carrys me to bed if I fall asleep on the couch comes to my work every day to take my break with me! What he does is endless lol! I don't think he knows how much it means to me! Being pregnant can get hard forgot to mention held my hair every day when I got sick!
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