transitioning to crib need advice

edited February 2012 in Ages & Stages
OK so I need to try and get naliyah to start sleeping in her crib...I was thinking about moving my room around so that I can make room for naliyahs did you ladies make the transition


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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate yea I don't have a pack and play so that's why I want to bring the crib in my room but then that means my bf use gonna have to take the crib apart then put it back together lol but oh well its for baby lol... And I breastfeed so I don't want to have to walk all the way to her room to put her back in her crib... But yea I know its gonna be hard cause I think I use her to sleep more then she uses me lol
  • edited February 2012
    I started putting Savanah in her room in her crib right before she turned 3 months but she was already sleeping through the night so it was an easy transition.. so can help really but here's a bump!
  • I waited til Tessa gave me signals lol. Thrashing around at night, pushing away from me. The first night I put her in her crib in her room she did great. She usually only gets up once or twice. She's 6 months.
  • I think the foam thing over Jazmyah's mattress is what made it so easy for her. Also..let her nap in there doing the day to get her used to it. Jazmyah has been in daycare for 2 weeks so she naps in a crib there. I think that helped a lot too!
  • daughters middle name is Na'liyah!
  • @starrxoxo9 does she sleep in her own room
  • I let my son nap in his crib during the day. we were cosleepers for the first eight weeks but I wasn't really getting good sleep. so I started letting him sleep during the day and then few days later at night time started placing him in there too. the first three nights were rough but after that he loved it. now I get amazing sleep and I feel he gets better sleep too bc I'm not moving around and waking him up! I still breastfeed and he's almost four months old. around ten weeks old he started sleeping seven hours and last week he started sleeping 9-10 hours straight on his own!
  • @starrxoxo9 & crystaldawn0830 how do y'all handle the night feedings or how did y'all if your baby is sleep through the night now
  • Well she's only up once or twice, so I just grin and bear it. I have a glider with a foot rest in her room so its not that bad. She doesn't eat that much either, I'm never in there for more than 15 mins. Her first sleep is never less than 5 hrs and then its usually 3 more, up again, then 3 more, then up for the day. Sometimes I fall asleep sitting in the chair lol.
  • We had a pretty easy transition, and I think it's because we started so early. We first put her in her crib when I went back to work. She was 6 weeks then. Plus, she was already sleeping through the night. She's over 4 months now, and she still sleeps all night in her crib (in her room, of course). Never had an issue.

    I have heard that you can try putting them in there for naps during the day. Just a thought.
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