I drank my first bottle all day yesterday plus other fluids and I woke up engorged...bout to start drinking my second bottle today when I finish pumping
Im sorry buy this thread made me laugh, its not even funny. I think its the last 4 posts or something an being engorged is no laughing matter. What the heck!!! Thanks for the info >:D<
@ArmyMommy I could get excited about that too. @newmomma13 it is an aweful feeling when my LO over sleeps I sometimes have to wake him cuz he releaves me faster then my pump.
I been doing the gatorade thing too. I do find that when I don't drink gatorade my supply starts to go down. Also oatmeal helps it too but I don't like oatmeal.
It worked for me!! I babysat a 32oz from about 3pm to bedtime but drank the majority before bed. Woke up to my breasts engorged. They were so hard Ly had trouble latching at first. Usually only engorged after I do the beer method. Thanks for the tip!
Im so glad that this is working for all of you. Im still trying to get my supply up but Ive been giving her a few ounces daily just for the antibodies for now. She still doesnt get enough to fill her up yet. But I.came along way from just getting a few drops. I certainly dont miss the days of being engorged but I cant wait for her to eat and be satisfied (with the amount)