
edited February 2012 in Parenting
I do NOT need a religion to have good morals. Nor do I need one to raise my son right.
I'm so glad i'm 1700 miles away from family. They are already trying to plan my sons baptism and when I say no they gasp and say ”Ryan will be born into sin?!”
Like wow really a**hole??


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  • We all have our own free will. U can choose whatever faith/no-faith u want. That said i am a christian. I do NOT believe ur baby "needs" to b baptised in order to be saved. The God i know loves His children and would not deny a child into heaven because their parents didnt choose to have them baptised. Just my 2 cents. :)
  • Yea they never accepted my choice, even though none of them are practicing Christians or catholics. They still like to attack me but I'll be damned if they say something about my unborn son! Sure he'll know of their god but it'll be his choice to believe or not. Narrowed-minded people will get hit if they try to attack him for his choices lol
  • I am an athiest also and i just had my first baby two months ago. Also a boy and my family is mostly catholic. I was raised catholic and went to several different catholic schools and was baptized but everyone knows how i feel about how difficult religion is and they dont really say anything about it to me. My mom and i are super close and before i had my son she said she doesnt see how i cant believe in god after having a perfect baby boy and i dont see how god has anything to do with me getting when a girl likes a boy..sperm and an egg.. lol retarded. Soo.. i feel ya!
  • I am agnostic. I never understood how an INNOCENT baby could be born into sin.
    Different religions have their own variations..I will never understand lol.
  • My ex wants our son baptised... Or christened... Shit I cant remember which one lol... I dont care if he does just dont expect me to participate since I dont have a belief one way or the other. Im sure there is a god of some sort, but im sure if I just try to be a good person that will be enough, no need for the extra stuff
  • @JessAnnEngland exactly! idk what anyone has to do with me getting pregnant besides me and dh;) lol

    When I was young my mom always told me that if I wanted something for me to pray and ask god about it and if he said yes then it would happen and if it doesnt then it was gods way of saying no -___-
    Granted I was only like 8 and I told her I might as well ask the glass of milk lol
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  • I was never baptized as a baby and neither of my children are.
  • I'm not sure what I believe but I'm with u on that. My kids don't go to church. Never have been but they know right from wrong. I just can't see trying to explain logically to a 6 yrold someone died and then came back to life. That and I will never send them to church. We raise them right, and I want them to experience life without being terrified of rotting in Hell.
  • I'm an atheist also, I am so happy none of my family is trying to push religion!! This is my first so I'm not sure how everything is going to work as she grows and learns about religion from other people, its gonna be interesting I know that much!
  • I am a Christian, but I don't feel that anyone should force their religious beliefs on anyone else. I believe that everyone is given free will for a reason.
  • I'm glad no one is so immature and narrowedminded on here:)
  • I'm an atheist also. Its saddens me, we have a local parents group in the area, and I went to a meeting in which they proclaimed that they felt it was sad when children didn't have a Bible in the home. I lost it, they found out where I lived, sent a preacher to my house and I had to call the cops on her. What a sad world!
  • @EiralynnesMommy wow! :O that is so stupid! Honestly, what is a baby going to do or care about a bible in the house?
    I'm sure you're doing a way better off job raising your lo than some of those women :)
  • edited February 2012
    @sophiasmom11 yeah I think so to.
  • None of my cousins go to church or believe. we were all raised in the raised, and a little more pushed into it then anything so we rebelled and all love science lol one of my cousins actually wrote to an archbishop to formally take herself out of catholicism lol
  • Evey child will go to heaven if they die before age 12 bc before that they don't know how to sin. just saying. i claim Christian but i don't look down upon any other religion/non religion . if we were all the same this wouldn't be America. it'd be boring if we all had the same beliefs
  • @victoriarenee, ;;) I see no reason to be mean or immature just because we don't believe the same way. That definitely wouldn't be the Christian thing to do.
    @Eiralynnesmommy, they took that way too far! There's a big difference between Christians & church folk though. Church folk forget that God is love & the Bible tells us not to judge. They think they have a right to look down on you & they don't. People like that really tick me off.
  • Well I belive it is how ever you choose to raise your child :) Why should religon matter parents can instill respect and morals with proper raising. Alot of my family is christin and i am a pagan. When My child or children are born I will raise them unbais to any religon and let them choose :) I choose to be a pagan i was never baptised and I turn out fine :D So to the OP Raise your little one how you like and those who don't like it can shove it :) n ot trying to offend anyone just poking my 2 cents in
  • I believe the same thing. Im catholic and my husband is Mormon but we both just go to church whenever we want(we haven't been in a couple of months) but I personally feel that its how you raise your child. Just because you can bible bump doesn't mean your kid will be better than anyone elses
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