How early can I give my son oatmeal? He's one week shy of 3 months and he watches us when we eat and follows the food from the plate to our mouths and drools
I gave mine some around 4 months. I tried some really runny on a spoon, and she loved it. But I was told if she pushed the spoon put of her mouth, her reflex was still there and to stop and wait a few weeks longer.
@natashalynn did you put any in her bottle before that?
He has really bad constipation and is on a strong laxitive already so the Dr. Said not to use the rice cereal. Can I mix the oatmeal w a bottle the same way?
You probably could, I never did though. We tried rice cereal first, but switched to oatmeal after a week cause she wasn't pooping. After the switch, she started going every day within the same hour! It's awesome! Lol
My lo is 3 months. I started a week before 3 months. I didnt ask my doctor but simply because I think I know her better than him. Im with her everyday..he sees her once a month. I trusted my mommy instinct. Anyway she does great on it!
Shes drinks a 5oz bottle so I mix the formula like normal. & just add a little over half a formula scoop of oatmeal. The first few bottles were only about 1/4 a scoop of oatmeal until I knew she liked it..thats when I added more.
@ mimii36 Ok thanks. I may just try a little bit. Last time we were at the Dr she said to not let his problems stop me from giving him food. How many times a day do you give it to her?
I started out with every 3rd bottle. Now she wont drink a whole bottle without oatmeal in it so I do almost every bottle. Like excitedforoctober said...try rice first. I started with oatmeal because babies in my fam seem to be allergic to the rice so I didnt want to risk it.
Any new food can cause constipation so I would wait till hes four months then start him on pureed boiled pear or prunes which are gentle on tummy and bowels.
He has really bad constipation and is on a strong laxitive already so the Dr. Said not to use the rice cereal. Can I mix the oatmeal w a bottle the same way?
@natashalynn Thats awesome. I hope when he starts on it it works the same for him!!
He also has good head control.