To CoSleepers

edited February 2012 in Sleep
How did you transition your babies into sleeping in their own bed? I'm having trouble with my 8 month old (frankly I should have done it awhile ago) we started Co sleeping when she was 4 months because she got really sick and needed to sleep elevated in her boppy to breath so I wanted her next to me while sleeping in the boppy and we have tried to move her back but she will only sleep a couple hours at a time..I would get tired so I would move her back... so how did you transition your baby back to their bed? Do I need to just tough it out?


  • I keep trying to no luck
  • Its hard, very hard I just don't know what to do anymore I'm a ftm and new to everything I just try to go with it
  • edited February 2012
    Im transitioning my lo to her crib starting with naps everyday and then im going to take it from there. Although we didn't cosleep per se we had her in the bassinet part of her pack and play right next to my bed. It also helps I have a really comfy chair in her room to hang out in if necessary.
  • I feel for you.. bad! :-(

    I have 4 kids and I co-slept with ny 2nd (my only son) he has asthma and I had to use a nebulizer through out the night and BF him.

    Getting that boy in his own crib was a nightmare.

    I had to get rid of his crib and buy him a racing car toddlers bed at 8 months. He slept in that.

  • Idk. My baby did great. I bought her a foam thingy like we have on our bed and cut it to fit hers. I put her in there one night and turned on her mobile for her and she fell right asleep. It's been almost 2 weeks and she still dies great. Sometimes I still have to put her to sleep first and then put her in but most of the time I can put her down awake as ling as she's sleepy and she does just fine. Maybe try a mobile. We got outs from walmart and it plays music and has a little light show with pictures and such.
  • Also let her takes naps in there. My lo is in daycare so she naps in a crib there. I think that helped a lot also.
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