OK so u guys remember my post about the porn?? Well I was right and it was this ugly bitch!! Well now its WAY MORE FUCKING SERIOUS THAN PORN!!! Y'all last Tuesday I had court so my 6 month old stayed home with daddy. When I got home Carter (baby) wouldn't put his left leg down on my lap while standing up. I asked his dad what was wrong. He said he didn't know. Later that night he came up with a reason Carter's leg was hurt and it was cuz he was changing his diaper And Carter flipped all the way to his belly. So I said well ill see how it is tomorrow. Wed came and I went to work. Got home and Carter still wouldn't put his leg down. I took him to a Med express place and he has a spiral fracture (which means it was caused by a twist) on his distal (towards the ankle) left tibia. Went to chkd. Talked to social worker and Cps. His dad seems guilty as shit! I've thought something was going on before cuz the baby had scratches and stuff and another time had a bruised lip with a lil blood spot and a scratch on his chin and his dad couldn't explain none of these. Well I found 4 socks with blood on them and it looks Like they were used to wipe the inside of his mouth. :'''''( I'm so heartbroken that he could do this. So SVU and Cps came to the house last Thursday and Friday Carter saw the orthopedic doc And got a cast for 5 weeks. I told his dad to leave. Haven't heard much outta him since. Our relationship is over just cuz I have to protect my baby and my 2 daughters. I can't believe my family is broken apart and now Carter has to b supervised with His dad until the captain looks at his xrays to determine What really happened. I haven't told Cps about the socks yet but I'm thanking God that my baby is still alive! He's been all smiles this past week though!! Thanks for reading!! I had to get This off my chest!!! I'm so heartbroken and scared to b alone and raising 3 kids. I'm scared living by myself. :''( I hate it!!