sex help please!
Hello, me and my husband just had sex for the second time since i gave birth 3 months ago-took a while after a long forcep delivery and is still scary. The problem i am having is that it feels like he can't put it in any further i feel like its closed up! And its still sore and i feel if he pushes it any further it will damage me. Has anyone been through this? I just don't enjoy it and can't relax and want it to be over. Not sure what to do as i want to do it and enjoy it but just doesn't seem to be working, please help!
My bf cheated on me cause its been so long. But anyway! We did it last night and it hurt at first & when he went too deep. I personally need stimulation, physically and I like visually too. It helps.
But like everyone said if you are not aroused enough you wont soften up! I've had this problem while ttc because I got so sick of having sex all the time. Lots of lube works wonders!
ok, dont want to make this thread about me, sorry original poster.
p.s. was not at all trying to sound rude if I did, sorry.