ear infection question

edited February 2012 in Parenting
My 7 year old has an ear infection but its not bugging him at all. the Dr found it at his checkup. He was prescribed antibiotics. my question is should I treat it even though its not bugging him?


  • Yea or its gonna get worse an start hurting
  • You can make it too or buy at health food store. Much better and quicker than antibiotics
  • @Bahamamama4828 I will try that thanks!
  • Yes!!

    Having an ear infection can lead to worse infections and possible tonsilitest. I had them all the time as a kid and they never bothered me. Long story short I had to get my tonsils and adnoids removed due to a very bad infection, constantly had to have tubes put in and replaced in my ears, and as an adult I suffer from cronic sinus infections.

    Also once you get an ear infection it UPS the chances of getting it again.
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