32 + 4 weeks and baby is....

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
Breech! I'm kinda nervous about it because my doctor said if she doesn't turn in 3-4 weeks they will try something called version? It's where they attempt to flip the baby manually by pulling and pushing on your stomach. He said it can be very painful and dangerous so I would get an epidural first!!!! Wtf I do not want that! So of course I come home and google breech babies and all this information about fetal abnormalities pops up with it. Anyone know anything about any of this?


  • Your doc is right. They give you an epidural just in case they need to do an emergency csection. I hope she turns before you need to deliver. :(
  • Yes Webster technique with Chiro or spinningbabies.com
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  • That happened with my son, my appt they told me they would opt for a c section before manually turning him, bc it was so painful. Luckily my son turned 2 days before he was born. My appt was a Mon I had him Wed, so maybe your baby will turn. I really didn't want to go thru the c section or the turning of the baby. Good luck, you have time yet tho so don't worry too much:)
  • I googled it too and some sites tell you how to try it on your own but I wasn't gonna attempt it. I felt like I'd hurt him:(
  • @jdensma hey, sorry my phone died at the doctors office :( I'm worried but at the same time I know there's still time.

    @sehra4177 how far along were you?

    @sophiasmom11 , @fate , @bahamamama4828
    Thanks, do you know if this really means my baby is at higher risk for abnormalities? Ugh one more thing to worry about:/
  • edited February 2012
    @kiwi_mom I was 39 weeks and 2 days..I was def worried. I had him Jan 6 my due date was the 9th. The appt where they saw he turned was the 4th. My previous week appt was Dec 27th. So a week later he turned just in time:)
  • Never heard of abnormalities because a baby was breech.. what could it possibly cause? All it is is the baby is sideways!
  • I was told to put cold packs or frozen vegies on the top of my belly cause it would encourage baby to flip so its head wasn't cold.
  • No not necessarily babies are born breech all the time its just most docs aren't trained anymore.
    if you can find the movie a breech in the system, watch it :)
  • Yes cold packs or shine a light between your legs
  • You can also try getting on all fours and etc. Just look up different ways for bubs to turn. And no I've never heard of abnormalities!! Also babies can be born breech as long as they aren't too big!
  • Yeh, they never said anything to me about abnormalities, just that my Dr wouldn't manually turn the baby which was breech at my 38week visit still. The nurse, not the Dr told me that my Dr wouldn't turn him bc it hurt too much so he would go with a c section. But I've never heard of abnormalities.
  • I would talk to a midwife and look up different ways to naturally turn the baby before that would be an option. Hopefully everything works out! I'm also 32+4 :-)
  • Just kidding...32+3 LOL sorry...thought it was 4 today. I got lost :-/
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