is this bad???

edited February 2012 in Breastfeeding
My son will be 4 months on Sat. I ebf...the majority of the time, he only nurses from one side before he is full or falls asleep. About 10 minutes. I have tried burping and switching him but he either won't latch or pulls off. He eats on demand about every 2-2.5 hours. He is gaining weight....he weighed 15.2lbs last week. Is this okay???


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  • My daughter is the same way. Only one side every few hours and she is same lbs and age as yours. He fine as long as he is gaining.
  • Sounds good to me! my lo almost 5 months and eats the same. on demand and usually one side per feeding
  • My lo only eats one side at a time for about 10 min. Sometimes she stays on longer but she's just pacifying. I've heard it doesn't take long. She used to eat ever 2 but now only 3-4. Here's why: my dad mentioned I was feeding her very often. He said I was letting her snack and if Id wait for her to get fully hungry then fill her up shed be happier, not stuck to my boob, and shed sleep longer. Well, he was right. You might try the same!
  • @rileyandme son doesn't wake up once he is asleep...sometimes I wish he would. It would save me from having to pump.
    @Sjmomof3 & @heyitsme thanks ladies...that makes me feel better
    @vtmamajuju sometimes he will push to 3-4 hours but when he gets hungry hungry he attacks my poor innocent nipples. He was going 6-7 hours through the night but he has been up nursing every 2-3 the past couple of weeks. He is such an easy going baby that rarely cries but if I mess with his food he sure lets me know:-)
  • Naliyah only nurses from one side every couple of hours so sounds normal to me...she's in like the 92nd percentile of her weight so I'm not worried
  • @newmomma13 thank you...that comforts me. I knew his gaining weight was a good sign, I just know babies younger than him that nurse both sides most feedings.
  • Mine nurses on one side each feeding too! Totally fine. :) you're making lots of milk.
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  • My son is almost 8 months and has only nursed only one breast at a feeding. I don't pump the other side either just wait to the next feeding and feed off that side. My Dr said that its fine as long as he is satisfied.
  • My daughters only 2 months and I feed her one side each feeding. I'm lucky if she even reaches ten minutes she usually spits it out and falls asleep. I feed her every 1-2 hours...I wish she would drink longer so I wouldn't have to feed her so often lol I was told she's a nip and napper
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