gaining weight

edited February 2012 in Health
My son is almost 8 months old and not gaining weight like he should when he got weighted 2 weeks ago he was only 15.14 they have me feeding him as much as he wants. He gets breast feed 4 times a day and eats 6 baby containers of food and some I put baby cereal has any one home through this


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  • My daughter is 9 months and only weights 17 lbs
  • @homebirthadvocate sometimes I do feed him more but he only eats like 5 mins on both sides and let's go he latches back on then let's go right a way like he is full. He has a lot of wet diapers and poops 3-5 times a day. Is it possible they will say to put him on formula. @vanessa_mom2b did the drs say anything about her weight gain
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  • My guess is they are following a formula growth chart, look up the breast feeding one on kellymom and show them
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  • My son was only 20lbs from 15 months to 18 months. He was off the growth charts on being so small. The doctors freaked and he had to get tons of testing done. He was always in the 80th percents and was 22lbs at a year, and they we're so worried bc he just stopped growing and lost weight. He very slowly put weight on and is a healthy 3 1/2 year old. He is just very active
  • and still hates to sit and eat. He is perfectly fine though, I think all babies go through slow down periods on growing just like they go through growth spurts.
  • I bottles feed him today to see milk in take and he eats like crazy. I did have to talk him to emergency room last night he woke up coughing really bad and wheezing and gasping for air I think more is going on with him seems like he always has a cold they have him on a breathing machine for his coughing for last two weeks they thought might help him gain weight just in case his breathing was effecting his eating. @my2boys he is very active when he was a month he was rolling over and doesn't stay still he was born he could lift his head and look around the Dr said he shouldn't be doing that just yet. This stage is so hard wish he could just tell me what's going on. I also freak out really easy since my son before him was a still born we aren't sure what happened to him.
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