I don't know what to do anymore...

edited February 2012 in Babies
Makenzie seriously does NOTHING but cry.. I have tired gas drops, she has been on all the formulas, I have given her tylenol and I have tried the colic calm drops... NOTHING WORKS
She wont let me put her down she doesn't let her dad hold her she doesnt even let me sit down and hold her..

she just crys...
and now thats all I do is cry...
Please help


  • The doc gave my son this green medicine and it worked wonders. ask if he can prescribe you something tks help calm the tummy and ask.for.prosobee formula. its like a lactose intolerable formula ny son was on it from 2months til 11 months time
  • Oh no the Colic calm isn't working anymore?
  • Makenzie is on the prosobee formula. What is this green stuff?? lol Seriously I will try ANYTHING at this point.
  • No the colic calm worked for like a few days and then she was back to her old self with feevers so I had to stop giving it to her because the box said to stop it feevers happen
  • Oh no :( poor baby
  • She cries and has a fever? Could she be teething? Have you tried the hylands teething tablets? They work wonders with my son!
  • How old is she
  • Gripe water maybe?
  • I agree with pp try alimentium or enfamil nutragimem
  • How old is she? My daughter was the fussiest newborn ever (and she HATED to sleep) until she started smiling. Then, one-on-one interaction (preferably w/ momma) was the only thing that kept her calm (except my boobs) until she was 3 months.

    Is she eating well? If so, it's probably something she'll outgrow
    . If not, take her to the pedi (it may be a reflux issue)
  • Have you tried Similac Alimentim? What bottles do does she use?
  • We tried the nutragimem didn't agree with her.
    She is 3 months.
    I felt around on her gums didn't feel any bumps but you can kinda see where the front 2 would be is a little white so I got her some oral gel. Seems to be working.
    @britt21 the Colic Calm I was using is a type of gripe water. It only worked for a few days.. Boo!
    @Math_Mommy she is already on reflux meds. She does eat well plus she is already has cereal in her bottle to help with the reflux (baby girl is a mess!)
    @angie87 we use avent and dr. brown.
  • may not be recommended but sometimes I give my son a ounce of apple prune juice with a ounce of water...it seems to calm his belly. I don't usually do it right after he eats tho
  • You can try a tiny bit of chamomile tea at night?
  • Pediatricians actually reccomend not using oral gel. It supposedly toughens the gums making teething harder. You might ask your pediatrician. Hyland teething tabs are all natural and in my opinion work great! Good luck
  • Hmmm, how sure was her pedi about the reflux diagnosis? ALL of the baby reflux meds list fussiness as a "side effect".
  • @Mommyo4 I am only going to use the oral gel for tonight and give her pedi a call tomorrow to see what he says but I have to do something she wont stop crying
    @Math_Mommy She had an uper GI done and it showed that she had it. She is taking zantac for the reflux.

    Mommy is at her wits end here lol I just don't know what else to do..
  • edited February 2012
    My son has Acid Reflex so he has meds for that and its helped a lot but he's also extremely gassy baby so we switched to playtex drop ins and when I gave him formula we had to switch to similac alimentum and he is a different baby so much happier also we switched to playtex advanced bottles cuz those also help so much with his spitting up also
  • Our 1st-born was on zantac, and was super fussy for 3-6 hrs (usually in the evening) from 1mo- 4 mo. We phased it out around 4 mos, when we noticed he would spit up then smile. (Never had upper g.i. done.) Maybe her pedi may want to switch reflux meds?
  • That sounds like a plan! I will tell you that I used orajel with my 3 older kiddos and they did fine with teething...but I know that now they say not to. Who knows...I just try to follow the advice of my kiddos ped, afterall that's what I pay him for;-)
  • Prune or Apple juice might be too acid if they have reflux. Maybe pear juice, or chamomille tea.
    I found a formula Friso comfort I buy in Mexico and has worked better. We had tried all enfamil but they were all terrible. Between his gas colic and reflux its been a nightmare :( gettin better. Hr takes Nexium for reflux zantact didn't help. Has had two upper gi's so far.
    Gripe water and gas drops didn't help and I give him espaven for gas but its also from Mexico but you can Google and see.
    Hope this helps, its many of us in the same boat
  • Oh sorry lol
  • My son was like that and it was from the prosobee. It gave him the worst belly aches ever! He's now on gentlease and he is the happiest baby :) I would def talk to her Dr about it
  • My first son was like that and he did have reflux but even zantac only made it a little better. He was like your daughter...he wouldn't let me sit or stop moving, he screamed loudly nonstop and only wanted me. He was breasted and nursed constantly. Honestly the only advice I have is that some babies are just needy and are like this...just hold on because it WILL get better. It did for me when he was around 8 months. It's nothing you're doing wrong, its probably not the formula, you are a great mom! If it makes you feel better my son is still super hyper and loud and he's 2 1/2 but he is sooo intelligent. He said over 50 words when he was 14 months! I remember reading super fussy babies may be really smart :) Hang in there, it'll pass eventually!
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