Bank account for ur baby??

edited February 2012 in Just for Fun
cant believe my bby is almost 6 months ni haven't set up a savings account for her!!!! what do u guys use?? is gerber ne good?

ihave chase nd was gunna mayb go in&& see what they say.. my bd has navy fed....

how does it work?can they take $$ outmy account monthly n put it in?can I set it uo to where we can't touch it? how much monthly do uput in??

sorrry so many questions!


  • U need to talk to someone who does life insurance they do this all the time one of my family friends is life insurance agent and has the accounts set up for his grand kids and they can't touch it until 18.
  • kk thank u....
  • Do you want a savings account with life insurance or just a savings account? I already set up a separate savings account from dh and my joint account for baby. Also we had the military send some of dh check straight to the babys savings. Just ask your employer
  • I am in the uk so its all a bit different but I just have £10 go in every month so I will have 120 saved up for his bday present and party :)
  • We use navy fed for ourselves and both our boys. We had bank of America for my oldest but they took $1/mo out. Navy fed doesn't charge and I think you can set something up to have money taken straight from your check and put in the babys account
  • kk thanks everyone!!!!!
  • I was thinking about doin the gerber savings thing
  • I have one thru my credit union and they automatically take a certain amount out of every deposit to their accts but that is just savings. I was wondering too about Gerber if its legit or see all these commercials about kids life insurance it makes you wonder. I have life insurance on all of us thru work but I don't think its the same as the Gerber thing.
  • Chase does have a savings program for children dont remember the details but u can call and ask.... i was thinking of looking into the gerber one but need to do my research
  • hmmm k thanks everyone!!! would credit unions b better tho?? ANYONE KNOW BOUT THE GERBER LIFE INSURANCE? lol
  • Im with wells Fargo and she has an acct. When she turns 18 I can change it to where she has access if I want or I can wait til 21. They take out a certain amount a month from your account and add it to the savings account. You get to pick the amount or you don't have to have the automatic thing like can just add money to it whenever you want too. Mine will be for her college fund.
  • ohhhh ok kool!! thanks! :) @mimii36
  • For me my parents did an ING Orange savings account and they automatically put $50 a month in from my birth until I turned 21. ING savings accounts are very easy to use and they don't deduct money for no reason.
  • I've heard that the Gerber plan is a rip off and scam. Hard to believe that something with the name Gerber on it would be, but if you read the stuff they send you and do a little math...
  • @molly danggg 50$!!!!!! thats alot!! I was thinking 5_10 a
  • @naliibby2 Lol I forgot to mention you don't have to do $50 with that savings account. Any amount would work with it. And $5 or $10 a month is perfect! :)
  • oh.i.kno im jus sayn dangggg ur parents put alot!! lol BALLLINNNNN
  • edited March 2012
    We opened up a savings account for our lo at a local credit union. The money is taken directly out of my hubby's direct deposit which is convenient.
  • @naliibby2 Lol! It helped out big time. I hope to do that for my future kids one day!
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