tired ALL the time?

Idk what's wrong with me. Lately I'm just so tired I can barely function. My routine is the same. I wake up at 8:30am, drop my lo off at daycare by 10am, go to work & get off around 4. Go pick up my lo and come home. I get in a nap everyday when she takes hers which is normally 2-3hours. I wake up with her and I'm still exhausted. We normally stay up til my bf gets home at 11 so he can spend time with her. I'm in bed by 12. So I'm getting the recommended 8hrs of sleep & a pretty lengthy nap & I'm still just sooo tired. I can't even have sex with my bf as much as we would like because I'm so tired! This has been going on for about 2 weeks. What could it be? And what can I do to get more energy?


  • 5 hour energy is great also you if you know some one that sells amway rodiola is wonderful and that is all natural
  • Prego!!!! Lol jk knock on wood
  • Have you had your iron checked?
  • @newmomma13 omg that was my first thought. I hope not!

    @littlefae I had it checked a month ago

    @skysma yea I use those at work but I don't like them if I'm just sitting home because it makes me jittery then.
  • You might want to have it checked again? It could easily have dropped in a month.
    Um... other thought is pregnant possibility
    Maybe much sleep. That nap could be to long. Some people who sleep to much or tske uneeded naps wind up feeling more tired.
    Maybe cut the nap down to an hour and try to get 45 minutes of exersize. Some cardio while your lo sleeps.
    It would be hard at first while your body transitions but you should feel a difference in a week or two
  • U never know cause a lot of us preglys are unexpectedly getting preggo but not me!!! Lol
  • I'm having the same thing happening.. seeing ur post gave me hope its just normal.. I'm soo scared it could possible be the p word but I'm keeping a positive attutide and thinking its just normal! I deff don't need another babie right now
  • @littlefae yea ill have it checked again. I don't think its the naps tho because some days my lo doesn't nap that long so I can't either. Can you get your iron checked without having a primary doctor. I don't have insurance.

    @newmomma13 well I just had a period so hopefully not! I might have to blow up my bc company if so! Lol

    @alwayzbeenurz2008 man I hope its just normal!
  • Sometimes if I sleep too much it drains my energy as weird as that sounds. Also if I don't exercise enough or have enough (awake) relax time.
  • edited March 2012
    @natashalynn yea I get it. Ive done this same routine for months now tho. I hope it's just normal tho.
  • Get your iron checked, but in the meantime start taking a lose dosage of iron to maybe see if that what's wrong until you can actually get it checked by a doctor. Could also be from the naps during the daytime as well. Try drinking a small bit of coffee to wake yourself up, and then just get moving so you're not wanting to lay down.
  • Im not sure but I know you can go to an indipendent lab and have it done. Not sure gow much they would charg
  • rodeola threw amway is great i can give you my brothers link i swear you will love them
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