re: 6month old w fractured tibia

Ok so I have kicked my sons father out. Carter has a cast until march 16th. I still don't know shit!! This happened on feb. 8th. I have called Cps and the detectives from svu several times. My son had a busted lip and his dad said he didn't know what happened... well after I kicked him out I found 4 bloody socks he said he used on his finger. I told him I was getting the blood tested and he admitted it was carters blood from when he busted his lip and he doesn't know how he busted his lip cuz he wasn't watching him.... wtf??? How is he not locked up?? Not to mention hes a felon with 14 yrs over his head!! Just thought id update u guys a little!!


  • So are cps not going to do anything?
  • Wow, ain't that some shit!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • OMG wtf I expected that ass hole to be rotting in jail by now.. :(
  • Oh wow...cps always (IMO) fail the children that really need the help. I hope something happens soon for your family and he gets what he deserves
  • You need to speak with the investigating detective about their plan of action. They are the ones responsible for charging him with child endangering/abuse
  • so what arre the detectives saying?
  • Cps would only get involved if they were gonna take the baby. Since you are a good mother that acted fast to protect your child they would not detain the child. However, i would expect that criminal charges could filed against the father. So sorry to hear that your baby was hurt...lucky he has a protective mother.
  • Sorry I've been gone for soo long!! Cps and svu are both involved. Cps told me I have to make sure that carters not alone with his dad. I kicked his dad out feb10. He finally left feb12. Shortly after i found 4 bloody baby socks. Carters dad said it was his own blood. I told him i was gonna get it tested. He finally admitted it was from carters busted lip but he didn't know how it happened cuz he wasn't paying attention. The investigation went on... my baby had his cast for 5.5 weeks. I took him to the doc cuz his leg was inverting. It was only cuz the cast was loose. The doc pulled it right off and they took 2 xrays and his leg is perfect!! Within a week of having it off he was pulling up in his crib. Because one pediatrician said they way his dad described it happening (carter flipping to his belly while getting his diaper changed) is plausible they can't charge him with child abuse so they're charging him with failure to seek immediate medical attention. Its a class 1 misdemeanor and he gas 14 years over his head for arson and nighttime burglary. (I know I pucked a real winner!) His next court date is next month. Hopefully he'll get what he deserves!! Hes only seen carter 4 times in these 2 months. My baby is so much happier tho with his dad gone! So I'm glad I caught this shit before something worse happened! Tryst Ur instincts... I should have known by the previous signs (scratches, marks, bruised lip, and crying whenever his dad touched or held him.) I'm so lucky to still b able to kiss my baby and love him!
  • Sorry for the typos!! I hate this phone!
  • im glad everything worked out :)
  • Thanks guys. And yesss I'm so glad hes gone. He barely even asks about his baby. He just wonders who I'm with and blah blah. I'm like wow!! I'm almost 27 yrs old. Dick can wait! I gotta focus on my kids!!
  • So glad you caught it soon!
  • Wow, he's a real piece!! I'm so glad babe is okay...poor lil fella, I wanna give him loves!
  • On my goodness I am so.sorry for your lo I hope everything works out for the best and both you and your child are safe.
  • Thanks so much!! Hes such a sweet good baby. Only cries when hes hungry or tired or poopy. I don't see y his sperm donor did all those things. Pisses me off just thinking about it...
  • Is there an update on this post somewhere?
  • Yea its in the comments. ;)
  • On April 10
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks hun, I'm so sorry that your going through this. You are staying so strong through all of this, You truly are a wonderful mother. I have been following this post, I seen the update from the 10th. I was looking for an update on what "legally" happened to "sperm donor". Is cps still involved and what they are doing to make sure he NEVER gets the chance to harm sweet baby Carter again?
  • Well because one pediatrician said it was plausible(coulda happened the way the dad described it) Cps has closed the case and its unfounded. That's virginia for u! Its bullshit. I just got my subpoena for court on may 2nd. They're charging him with failure to seek immediate medical attention which is a class 1 misdemeanor. So I'm hoping since hes on probation and has 14 years over his head they will convict him and lock his piece of shit ass up!! Hes been texting me all day askin when can he spend a day with Carter? Why am I keeping him from his son... I'm like cuz Ur a piece of shit!! U will never be with Ur son alone as lon g as I'm alive! But @second_time_mommy7 Thank u so much for Ur kind words!! Ill def update after court!! I am testifying against him obviously but I'm nervous.
  • So does anyone know what happened on may 2nd? Any update?
  • Omg I'm glad your Lo is ok. His dad needs to get what he deserves! I'm just speechless
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