clothe diapers

Favorite kinds? Easiest to use? Any special advice or tricks? Must haves? I'm just starting out and am so excited! I'm waiting on some in the mail. So far I ordered 2 gorvia and 2 bumgeniuses along with insert and a wet bag.


  • Rockin green detergent for cleaning and don't use desitan on baby's butt! And don't use dryer sheets.
    You are pretty much set!
  • Ohh I'd be a mess trying to figure out how cloth diapers work lol. @-)
  • @bahamamama4828 can you get that detergent in stores do you need to order it? @aishamusa that's what I thought too! Reading about it makes it seem so difficult but my friend just started last week and showed me and its actually really simple! There are just soo many choice it can get overwhelming.
  • Yes but its certain stores. In my town its Kroger owned stores or health food store.
  • I use gdiapers but only in the day when hun its home bc he usually does all the evening changes and doesn't like the fact that u need to wash the cloth. Go figure.
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  • My favorite are by far bumgenius! I love love love them!! Fuzzibuns are also good, and oh katys are okay. I personally like pockets because I can adjust the absorbency. I started washing with rock n green detergent, but recently switched to ecosprout. I bought. Wool balls for the dryer, they ate safe for cloth diapers and all laundry. Makes them soft and non static-y. I do a cold rinse, warm wash, followed by two cold rinsed. Any that have stains after coming out of the wash I put in the sun. It is a great bleach! Also font use regular diaper creams for rashes, use either coconut oil (awesome) are cjs BUTTer. I also use cloth wipes, I just wash them with the diapers. Hope that helps. Good luck, you'll love it! And p.s. it becomes addicting when you see how cute your LO looks in cloth fluff :)
  • Thanks everyone! I am so excited to get started. Now my only problem is trying to stay patient while a wait for my. Orders to get here! :)
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