feeling like a bad mom!
Ok, so our daughter is just over 4 months old and she is sleeping in her own crib at night and in a pack n play during the day for naps. My hub and I have been debating taking away her binkie completely, starting with removing it from her nighttime routine and eventually her nap routine. We are doing this because according to someone claiming to be a professional, a binkie can be considered a "crutch" at night and if they fall asleep with it at night and wake up without it in their mouth, they cry until it's back in there. The same could be said for nursing or rocking them to sleep. Then, I have my mom saying that it's ok for her to have her binkie because sucking is a natural comfort for them and it can help them sleep better if they have one. I am so confused and don't know what is right because they both seem logical to me...we have been putting her down at night without one and doing the modified ferber method (check and comfort every 10 mins for a half hour) and it's been working well for the most part. Now, I am considering letting her use her binkie for comfort. What should I do? Am I a bad mom for not letting her sleep with her binkie? Idk what to do....sorry it's long, guys!