Kony2012= SCAM



  • Kony2012 is a misleading campaign being used by ‘Invisible Children Inc’ to mislead America and the rest of the world. There are many interested groups in KONY2012 Campaign. In the USA both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party seem to have proponents and opponents But what is very sure, is that ‘Invisible Children Inc’ directors are collecting financial donations and laughing with your money all the way to the bank.

    Kony2012 is a scam and fraudulent venture created by ‘Invisible Children Inc’ to enrich its directors. The name kony2012 is derived from the Ugandan Rebel Leader named 'Joseph Kony', of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) , who fought a brutal 23 year bush war with the Ugandan Government of Yoweri Museveni. And of course 2012 is the year of the campaign.

    For the last 7 years, these guys at ‘Invisible Children’ (invisiblechildren.com) have been collecting money in the name of war displaced children of Northern Uganda and only send just about 31% of the money collected back for use in Uganda. These Ugandan children were called the “The Invisible Children of Acholi. Acholi is also the name of the tribe for which Josephy Kony is a member of. The people of Acholi Tribe were the hardest hit by this insurgency, with loss of lives estimated anywhere between 80,000 to 500,000. There has been no official estimate of how many Acholi’s died.

    During the insurgency, the Ugandan Government placed most of the Acholi People in internment camps called IDP (internal displaced peoples camps) these camps were similar to Nazi like concentration camps. Many Acholi people died from diseases, malnutrition and extra judicial killings from both the LRA rebels and Ugandan Government soldiers (NRA – National resistance Army).

    These camps were poorly protected by the Ugandan Government, and constantly attacked by LRA rebels who would kidnap children to enlist in their rebel army. It was during this era that you would see thousands of children walking every evening from these camps and outskirts to spend the nights on the streets of GuluTown so as to be safe from rebel attacks. It is these children who were given the name of 'invisible children'.

    The charity group 'Invisible Children Inc’ started off with the benevolent intention to collect money to help these children. But in the last 3 years ‘Invisible Children’ has turned away from their original objective of charity for Africa to Charity that enriches them selves.

    'Invisible Children inc' directors have become so rich, they drive in fancy cars, own fancy houses. They pay themselves a basic minimum salary of $89,000 each, if you add benefits and allowances etc, each of them could easily earn at least $150,000. And those are earnings that they are declaring legally. How about what they do not declare?

    'Invisible children' directors have used the 'invisible children cause and concerts' to promote their individual music and film aspiration careers. At every major invisible children concert, these directors place ads about their music bands and film companies. Their ads very often supersede the concert cause.

    What is so annoying is that, the war of Joseph Kony that the 'Invisible children Inc’ capitalized on, has since ended over 3 years a go. So with the End of the war, 'Invisible Children Inc' funding started to trickle down. They had to invent new ways to invigorate and solicit new ways of collecting funds. So In 2010, they created a new campaign called 'invisible children state side'. This campaign was to collect funds on behalf of the poor Children of Uganda and claim that they were using this money in the United States rather than sending it to Uganda. They claimed that the money raised was to be used in the United States to influence policies in Washington rather than send it to help children in Uganda. Of this money raised with the ‘state side campaign’, less than 10% was received by the children of Uganda, for which they claim to advocate for.

    In 2011 they created another campaign they called 'Joseph kony LRA attacks and sitings website'. Here they also collected donations of money in the name of helping stopping Joseph kony attacks and making people aware of these attacks.

    Now it is in 2012 they have conjured and created the kony2012 campaign and again cleverly have come up with the ploy that they are collecting donation money to assist in capturing Joseph kony. How are they going to use this money to capture kony? The United States Government has already sent full combat ready, 100 Elite American troops to Uganda. These American trrops in conjunction with the Armies of these African Countries; Congo, Central African republic, Uganda, and Southern Sudan are also involved in the exercise of capturing Joseph Kony. So tell me how is kony2012 money collection going to help the children of Northen Uganda? For which 'Invisible Children Inc' claims to represent?

    In many circles, both in Africa and the USA, the directors of Invisible Children Inc have been accused of fraud and embezzlement. Several members of the Acholi Community in the USA had confronted Invisible Children Inc on the matter of openness and accountability. They accused them of Fraud. Instead of addressing these concerns, 'Invisible Children Inc' used donated funds raised, to hire expensive lawyers and sue any one who dared to question their accountability.

    It is an open secret in Uganda that Invisible Children Inc is a scam artist Charity that bank rolls certain Ugandan politicians as well as Local Acholi Leaders. Many of these Ugandan Government Dignitaries have received Gifts of some form from Invisible Children Inc. When Invisible Children Children Inc, directors visit Uganda, they can be seen socializing in the companies of these Politicians. It is also rumored that the Acholi Tribe, Paramount chief and some Acholi members of parliament in Uganda have also been bribed or received gifts from Invisible Children Inc.Others are also saying that USA Lawmakers and USA lobbies have received funding from ‘Invisible Children Inc’. Unlike in Uganda, in the USA, It is much easier to find which USA lobbyist received money or gifts from ‘Invisible Children Inc.

    What is so apparent and glaringly shocking is that only about 30% of funds collected by Invisible Children Inc, will go back to the ground to help the Ugandan Children. A quick assay of all Ugandan projects ever run and operated by Invisible Children in Uganda, will total to no more than $3,500,000 and yet they officially claim to have collected about $10,000,000 in donations. Others Claim that because over 60% of ‘Invisible Children Donations are received in cash, it is very easy to hide cash donations. An un-official estimate is that ‘Invisible Children Inc’, may have collected up to $40,000,000 in donations in the last 7 years.

  • Many of you are not aware that ‘Invisible children Inc' DOES NOT use an independent external Auditor. 'An invisible child Inc does not have an independent external board of directors.
    There accounting and auditing is performed internally. Decision making is done by the founders who too are the directors. These directors decide how much bonus to pay themselves and what should be done with the donations collected. There is no Input from Ugandans for whom they claim to collect these donations. In a feeble attempt to seem legit, they have hired some puppet Ugandans and placed them in low and mediocre positions within the charity organization. These Ugandans have no say on decision making and are more than glad to just have a job.

    Many People, both in the USA are of the mind that Invisible Children Inc should be audited by an external auditor. Some members of the Ugandan Diaspora are making an effort to have Invisible Children Inc, indicted for fraud. This effort is being hampered by certain Ugandan Government officials who are patronized by Invisible Children Inc. It is very disgusting when people enrich themselves in the name of the poor.
  • Can this be achieved by changing your Facebook profile picture, or Tweeting at Justin Bieber, or even by keeping 100 US military advisors in the region? Probably not. But so what? Just because this problem is a big one, and Joseph Kony is just one of many despots in the region, doesn’t mean that there’s no point in making an effort to bring him before the International Criminal Court. But anyone considering donating or buying a bracelet should know that their donations could end up buying bullets. :-?
  • edited March 2012
    I'm just gonna say... If you only watched the YouTube video yesterday, and haven't done any actual extensive research, then you really can't say if this is legit or not.

    I did not like the ice cream comment, wasn't necessary. But, no matter how innocent we all want to play, we all do the same thing. We waste food constantly.

    I have no opinion on Kony2012. I don't know enough about it to place judgement.
  • @2ndbutfirst, that was very well written. Thank you for sharing!

    We need to rebuild Detroit, get families food, clothing, and stop child abuse right here on our own soil. I love America, and if you do research, there are many other people like Kony in parts of Africa. People who killed millions and got away with it. There's Liberia, Kibera, the Congo. Its all terrible. The problem in Africa will remain because of lack of education and their crooked government. Please save your money and help people here.

    All you bleeding hearts, there are thousands of Americans who have lost everything in last weeks tornadoes. Why not direct your need to "donate" to them? After all they are our fellow American brothers and sisters.
  • There is no "exaggeration" there. ..these people live through hell!! Imagine being raped and then having your baby ripped from your arms and tgen that child being raped, tortured, disfigured and then killed! And nobody to turn to!!! And murderers like this guy don't just stop killing for 5 years, your just not hearing about it!!!!
    I agree w/ @armahnismommy
  • Very good video explaining this entire ridiculous "movement".

    If you took the time to watch the 30 minute Kony2012 video, then watch this one. You cannot be educated on anything without looking at all aspects on the matter.

    Please educate yourselves before jumping on another political bandwagon.

  • And the Council on Foreign relations has stated that this movement has "manipulated facts for strategic purposes". So yes, @scarlettsmama, there HAS been an exaggeration. It is a fact.
  • I think listening to both sides gives more perspective but the comment about ice cream and starving African children was not called for, that had nothing to do with proving your point!! it took all creditably away from all the other facts you posted. I hope I never feel how it feels to be hungry and have nothing to eat or drink because if you ever find yourself in a situation like that you will remember you mocked these pope kids.
  • You never feel!!
  • Poor kids
  • I feel plenty. I have been overseas and seen these children firsthand.

    My point was to see what armahnismommy has done on this important issue. How many of you participating in this movement have donated your time overseas? How much food do you throw away daily? How many legitimate charities have you supported? How much of YOUR income is given away? How many years did you give in the military to help these countries? How many letters have you written to congress? How many rallys and protests have you been a part of?

    THAT was my point. @addrianna
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I understand @wyattsmommy, but I don't take time to be careful and politically correct. Life is too short to worry about who gets offended and to try to get the entire world to love you. I am who I am, like it or not :X

    With that said, this is the internet. It's just a pregnancy forum. In real life and in my career, I would be more careful who I say things to just on a professional matter. Here? I couldn't care less. If some of you still don't understand my personality or know me, it's not my fault.

    Just take what a say with a grain of salt. No need to get sent up in arms about it. At least I'm honest.
  • Well, I was going to be much blunter, but I held my tongue :-"

    What I said paled in comparison to what I was going to say! Lol.

    Baby steps...baby steps!
  • We can tell that you "couldn't care less" ...believe me, you are making that VERY apparent!! Your puting so much effort into letting everyone know how much you DONT care!!! And don't tell me to educate myself...I am very well educated and I always look at both sides of an issue, And I have the right to take the good side on this one! Your not going to change peoples minds by shoving it down their throats, your just going to piss them off with your bad attitude!
    That is all!!! :D
  • Lol @ shoving it down people's throats. I despise misinformation and seek to correct it.

    However, I was respectful and made my own post. So bandwagon'eers can spam continuously about Kony, but I make a post to inform people of the actual truth behind the organization and it's shoving it down their throats because people refuse to see facts? Tsk tsk, I don't think so.

    You want to "raise awareness"? So do I. :)

    And last time I checked, if my post bothered you so much that it caused you to choke by being in your throat, you could have easily skimmed past.

    @kristaf22, thank you. Glad to see that not everyone believes everything they see and read.
  • Y'all be trippin chill out with all of this cause this how the whole forum get out of control cause y'all be arguing about stuff that you can't even control
  • I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. That is like saying that debating politics and wrongdoings are out of our control. It is very much within our control. In my opinion, that is what is wrong with our generation. Too many people believe they have no control over what is happening around them. I am not accusing you of this, but just generalizing.

    Many people are unaware of Invisible Children and their propaganda and scams. If my making just ten out of a hundred people aware of this and they make five aware and they make twenty more...things change. I have spoken to many who were about to donate to this "charity". Instead, they are now donating to better and more legitimate causes.

    I, amongst thousands of others, have written letters to our congressmen and newstations about the validity of IC. They have been undergoing investigation because of this. Media that jumped on the Kony 2012 hype have received many emails about their legitimacy. Even CBS is now openly questioning them and this movement.

    Many people like me enjoy talking about politics and sharing information. This goes for all topics. Anyone reading can do with it what they will :)
  • I just finished an ice cream bar, what is the address you sent yours so I can send mine? :)
  • LMAO @excitedforoctober.

    I decided to instead buy the 235 dollar donation package from IC in which 68% of it goes into their pockets. I thought it better to save their already stable and peaceful nation with the founders using my money to buy shiny new vehicles :)

    Plus, I don't think ice cream will make it there. We can send our guns and ammunition though since the IC supports the Ugandan army and their weapons anyways! We can make a difference together!

    And don't forget on 4/20 to use your $235 package to walk the streets to capture Kony. We shall kill him with our t-shirts and ID bracelets. We shall make a difference, you and I, @excitedforoctober.
  • $235?!!! Thats all you paid? You have to be kidding me, I paid $400!
  • Oh darn! I should have bought more! Then I could really have brought Kony to justice with the purchase of T-shirts and bracelets.

    Dag nammit! @excitedforoctober
  • But you see debating politics it's not what this forum is about and that's what y'all ladies seem to not understand....it's cause of arguments like this that people who are trying to join pregly have to suffer
  • edited March 2012
    This argument is tame compared to the ones that got Pregly's membership closed. As long as it stays on an even keel like this it's no worries! Everyone has a right to their own opinions. @newmomma13
  • 4/20 is their big day? I bet a lot of people will be too stoned to remember ;)
  • @newmomma13, that is exactly why this post is in the Current Events category.
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