Kony2012= SCAM



  • Yes, that's their day. My thoughts exactly. Lol.

  • I am super confused as to why the ice cream comment was offensive. You think if she hadnt said it, less kids would be starving?
  • It was offensive because it makes me a cold, heartless and unfeeling mother. 8->

  • Why? Because you didnt fly to Africa with cases of ice cream bars?

  • ^^^lmao this thread is GREAT.
  • Sometimes I look at people and automatically start singing "if I only had a brain".

    Glad you enjoy it @bahamamama4828. I have gotten quite a kick out of it! :X
  • People keep saying how this is a pregnancy forum and politics shouldn't be discussed but I see things up here everyday that isn't about "pregnancy"
  • If non-pregnancy things shouldn't be discussed, we would have one category: Pregnancy.

    I'm just saying. :)

  • @captivated agreed. I mean if politics can only be discussed in certain places then I feel things can never change. History repeats itself UNLESS people do things to change it. On that note tho I do feel like just because its politics and people will ALWAYS have their own opinion and stick to it...we should still be able to have a civil convo or debate without drama. ANYWHERE.
  • Nope. People don't want anything posted that doesn't agree with them. And when facts are presented to them that they can't refute, they decide to instead make personal insults. It makes them look smart :p
  • If this forum was only about pregnancy it wouldn't have a category for current events, relationships, or NPR lol...pregnancy only but we have a category for stuff not even related. If you don't agree with what's being said on this thread then please go do your own research and post it so everyone can see why the people upset with this feel mislead. Just sayin
  • @Fate exactly what a good point of view. People shouldnt pass judgement so quickly.

    I don't waste money on any charity that doesn't have a solid foundation. If this was a real charity there would have been more publicity. Like The Child Fund and some other charity that I Can't quite remember right now.

    People no need to argue back and forth over a topic that hasn't been proven bad or good.
  • As of charity i know the situation and what he did was horrible
  • This thread is awesome! It seems to me that some people are putting there fingers in their ears and shaking their heads. Its ok though I normally ignore the sheeples but @captivated you said what I've been thinking and I enjoyed your bluntness! Oh and I love how you're heartless even though you suggested helping people here.
  • edited March 2012
    Thanks @diverwfe. I love helping and contributing my time...just not on this :)

    And if I was heartless, I wouldn't have two months left of nursing school and keep bags of food in my car to hand to homeless people on the street. Oh so heartless of me!
  • @armahnismommy I 100% wholeheartedly challenge you to send something to kampala from america. I've been there...you could donate all the money you make in a year to charities that "send" money to the ugandan gov't and all you're doing is padding their (the ugandan gov't) pockets. They keep their country in poverty, so unless you hand deliver, they're getting nothing...if not next to nothing. Their government hospitals are absolutely atrocious. Groceries are too expensive for anyone other than gov't workers to afford, so they are pretty much all farmers and traders...which, as a s/n...you've never tasted a pineapple as good as freshly cut from the bush pineapple on the equator. Omg I miss them. Villagers have no knowledge of sanitation, but there's a ugandan-run organization (they don't do it for pay to my recollection, but rather to improve conditions in their country) to educate villagers and help them build separate dining/cleaning/bathroom/livestock areas on their plots (you've not truly lived til you've woken up with a chicken staring at you in your bed btw...). If your family has money then you'll go to school (which is taught in english so if you attend school for any length of time, you speak english as well)...but not if you're a girl and have brothers. Many many many kids are born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus bc they don't have access to enough folic acid and cut umbilical cords with rocks. They give birth in mud huts on bamboo mats with "midwives"...and literally toss kids born with any birth defects in the corner to starve to death, or in the local river. If they don't, the moms are shunned from the community bc birth defects are seen as a punishment from god so in essence the mother is a sinner. Electricity is fleeting at best. Forget about drinking water or indoor plumbing for most people...they will go retrieve water from mud puddles (which they do know to boil it on the fire first) and do their business in holes in the ground. However, they're the happiest, warmest and kindest people I've ever met in my life. People in the very large tourist cities obv are more well-to-do bc there's revenue coming in from tourists. And yes, there still is child "slavery" and abduction going on in the war-torn north for the lra, as well as fear remaining from idi amin's reign which ended 30yrs ago. If you're curious on that matter, watch "the last king of scotland."

    @captivated I meant to tell you this on fb as you'll appreciate it: while there is a big university there that gives nursing education at the baccalaureate level, most, if not all, of their nurses have nurse aide educations. They haphazardly give meds bc it's what the dr said to do, see no point in taking temps, I don't recall ever seeing a bp cuff, have no clue of evidence-based practice, and don't ask why. They just do. There are nurses who I guess by nature are curious and ask why and figured out that things are done for a reason, but gov't hospital nurses show up for the paycheck and work if they feel like it (and they aren't paid too well at that). Sorry I wrote a book on this but until you've been somewhere/experienced something, or have educated yourself by some other means than facebook, I don't feel you should speak on it. That's not aimed toward you specifically lol it's a collective "you". :-)
  • @mam082711, that was awesomely written. Thanks! My BD has been there as well. You both said many of the same things and some different.

    Some others may need a cliff version though ;)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited March 2012
    Probably because she was addressing you and it is polite to tag someone that you are speaking to.

    There have been many threads that people respond to days after they're written, yo. :>

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  • edited March 2012
    Commenting on an adult discussion is not adding fuel to the fire...it is called contributing to a conversation. And no, I don't think it's a little late. If someone has input, they are allowed to comment. My post didn't come with a "One day time restriction to comment" disclaimer...

    Adding fuel to the fire would have been something that called names, cursing and being an idiot. THAT is fuel to the fire. She is a mature adult that respectfully made a post. I don't see anything wrong with that and considering this is my discussion, she can comment at any time she would like.

  • edited March 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Move on from? :-?

    You asked: "why am i getting tagged?"
    I responded.
    You asked: "Ok, well shes a little to late dont you think?"
    I responded.

  • People get defensive when theyve been proven wrong I see!
  • @Diverwfe, I have noticed the same thing lately.

    They'll argue (when it should really just be a discussion), get embarrassed or defensive, then when they have no leg to stand upon, they say that it shouldn't be talked about in the first place or that it shouldn't be posted. Not only here, but many other forums as well. Very interesting!
  • I really enjoyed what she had to say. I think it gave a really unique, educational perspective. Did it actually offend you, or are you just pissed that someone said your name?

  • I agree @captainmorgaine. She also pointed out that I was wrong (mam082711) in some areas. I did not get offended in any way. I enjory learning new things. I didn't agree with everything she said, but the majority of it I did (only because my fiance had some contradicting notions from when he was there).

    Armahnismommy only argued here because of her dislike (or intimidation) of me. Why do I say this? Because on the other Kony thread she stated, "Ugh not to sound mean but the united states does not need to get into anymore bullshit with other countries, because we always play super save a hoe and the U.S always gets fucked".

    Then here she stated: "Weve bumbarded other countries & faught unnecessary wars, but ppl turn their back on stuff like this. Guess fighting for oil is more important. What a great example we set lol"

    So...she agreed with my original point on another thread, then disagreed here. ;)) I was going to let it go before, but felt you would get a kick out of it.
    lol sorry about caps
  • @armahnismommy yo, I tagged you bc I don't spend 24/7 on this app, yo. I have, like, a child to take care of and, like, a job to prepare for, yo. So, like, check it- I don't have time in my day to day activities to lurk and comment and argue :-)

    @captivated I can only speak for where I've been. Where did he go? I was in kampala, entebbe, jinja, and mbale. I was with CURE international at their children's hospital in mbale.
  • We do always play super save a hoe. So true...
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