Man my dog has gas!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
How can something so tiny produce such a big nasty smell! Ha ha guess its like a baby.


  • My two dogs r the same way lol they stunk so bad last night and one is a teacup chorkie (chiuaua and yorkie) and the other is a chow chow terrier so they're totally opposite in size but i never know who done it bcuz they r always together and laying next to eachother
  • My dog always has gas omg she will fart then turn around and look to see if anyone heard it
  • @may1mommatobe peee uuuu, it is something potent & I swear he knows I'm preggo & has to always be lying on my with his butt directly towards my face.. Plus my nose is so strong anyways makes it worse.
  • You can give dogs a small amount of Pepto. Vet told me when my dog was puking nonstop after getting into the garbage. Beano is okay, too, I believe. But you have to take that, like, before you eat.
  • @tlg81 oh yeah the smell is horrible I mean to make it worse she is 70lbs & farts,louder than I do
  • His are silent he only weighs 6 pounds? So I don't get his bad bad gas. He barely even eats cause he has to be on my lap the whole time.
  • Yes!! How funny! 2 of my dogs have been rippin KILLERS! Like literally clearing the room -___- we kicked them outside because it was just so bad >_<

    And I don't know why...nothing ever changes. We don't ever change their food. Or treats
  • Lol my dogs been crazy gassy lately as well. Maybe she just assumes cause im gassy all the time that she can be too? Lol its a free for all :p
  • Ha ha that's what I was wondering maybe the dogs are getting us back for our bad
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