Anyone else loosing too much weight?

With my first pregnancy I started off at 100lbs, I gained 78 and was down to 105 3 months pp. With my second (most recent) I started at like 107ish and gained 40lbs, I went down to 120 and stayed that way for a couple months, then I stayed at
117 for a couple and now 7 months pp I am down to 110. I want to stay at about 120 because I looked healthy and I didn't have to deal with everyone calling me aneroxic. I have always had a hard time gaining/maintaining weight. Protein shake make me sick and I don't really know what else to do. I am so annoyed with everyone calling me aneroxic and telling my husband to feed me and make me gain weight, that I look sick. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • I'm sorry you're going through that! I don't have any advice cuz I'm dealing with the exact opposite problem. I hope you can gain weight soon!
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  • @ArmahnisMommy I am 5"3, I have never thought about going to a doctor for it because usually if I bring it up people get all shitty about it. I can't really talk to my husband about it because he laughs at me and says i like you tiny, I don't think he understands how bad it really bothers me. People think if your not trying to lose weight you don't have weight problems and that's not true I was 70lbs for like 7 years and everyone would call me flat chested bubble butt ( not sure where that came from because I've never had an ass) but in my mind that's just as bad as being made fun of for being overweight. Maybe I'm being petty but peoples snide comments do hurt my feelings.
  • I agree being under weight is just as bad and not healthy. I couldn't even imagine being 100 pounds let alone 70. :( I'm 5'2 and under 120 doesn't look good on me. I'm trying to lose 50 pounds to get back down to 125 which is what I was 2 years ago and very comfortable with that. Bc made me gain weight and then went off it, got pregnant right away (not planned) and gained 70 pounds while preggo. At 5'2 176 pounds (weight I currently weigh) looks awful! I think over weight and under weight girls have the same problem with clothes.... They just don't look very cute on us. But since I'm struggling to loose the weight I went to the Dr the other day and gave me meds to help and recommended food to help. I would def go to the Dr and see if they can help you. Don't care what people think, even your hubby, and try to make yourself feel better! My hubby keeps telling me he likes the way I look right now and to stop being silly... Well I feel like crap so I'm doing it for myself and my health. So just tell your hubby that. I know I'm not much help, I'm sorry!
  • edited March 2012
    Ugh I'm in the same boat. When I was pregnant with my 2 yr old I wasn't that skinny, maybe 130 when I had him but he was 10 weeks early. I'm 5'1". Went thru a ton of stress after he was born and went down to 95lbs and nursing him didn't help.
    had my 4mo and gained 30lbs from 95lbs while pregnant.
    I'm now down to 100lbs nursing as well and I hate being called anorexic. But I won't give up nursing.
    I'm sorry this happened to you I understand!
  • @smcox you are definitely a lot of help its a good feeling knowing even though we are not going through the same exact thing we can relate in a lot of ways and honestly it feels good to know someone understands and doesn't just roll their eyes! Lmao
  • @Bahamamama4828 I stopped bf with both of my kids around 3months pp I wouldn't give up nursing for that reason either both times I stopped I kicked myself in the ass for it my daughter it now 7 months and everyday I wish I would have just stuck it out. I wish there was and easy way to get to where I want to be.
  • I would get a physical and speak to a doctor concerning your issue. They can also check thyroid function to see if you suffer from a disease such as hyperthyroidism. If all that checks out fine, embrace it! If your body is not meant to be heavier, it's that way for a reason! :)
  • Weight problems suck either way! But don't let people get you down hun. People bully because of their own low self esteem or jealousy. I do know what you mean though about doing it for you. You're the only one who has to live in your skin so you deserve to be comfortable!!

    @smcox I'm 5'1" and 161 so I know how you feel :( my goal is 125, that's what I weighed when I met my bf ;) lol I was also only 18 haha
  • @starrxoxo9 that's exactly what I was when I met my husband about three years ago :-) I was 23 though. I was around 115 I think when I was 18. Of course that was before I got preggo at 19 which started all my weight issues. It would be nice to be that weight again but realistically after having a baby I will never have that body again! LOL second_time_mommy the only people I want to smack and tell them to shut up are the girls who are a healthy thin and stay that way through pregnancy and bounce right back with no problem within a few months and of course you could never tell they just had a baby! I have 3 close friends that are that way and we all just had babies and my sil is the same way and she's having twins in May... But the only place she has gained is her tummy. Smh I wish life were that nice for all of us! Too skinny or too fat alike! :P
  • @smcox lol yea I have always had big boobs and a big butt so I was never super tiny, but I was always happy with how I looked! I slowly got up to 150 over 7 years and then pregnancy took me to 177! I lost 16 lbs and then just stopped lol
  • edited March 2012
    I'm about 10-15 lbs underweight @ 11.5 months pp (I'm 5'7"/120 lbs, and have been since about 5 months pp). I noticed my baby girl (whom I nurse almost exclusively...she only had 20 bottles by 10 months) getting fussy about a month or so ago. I thought my milk supply had tanked because my cycle just returned. But, it could've dropped because of my weight (probably part of the reason my cycle was sooo late to return). Regardless, I caved and started giving her one bottle of formula/day (much to my dissapointment...I was REALLY proud that my 2-yo son never had a drop of formula and always envisioned the same for my daughter) while I started taking fenugreek and drinking ensure. When I can't stomach ensure, I drink slimfast (in addition to meals NOT instead of them).
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  • @math_mommy do you think it was the bf that cause you to lose so much or is that just how you have always been built?
  • @rileyandme the thought of protein grosses me out Lmao my hubby go on this protein kick and ordered a bunch of protein packed food off of some website and my house smelled like protein powder for months it was soooo gross and I have not been able to stand the thought of protein since. I even make him wash the sink after he cleans his protein shaker thing out Lmao I eat a lot of meat and stuff that should make me gain weight it just doesn't work and I tried p90x which lasted a week I have no motivation or time to workout really!
  • I had that problem prior to children. Now I'm 5'3 & 132lbs. I am trying to lose another ten lbs or so & I'll be happy.
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