Fertility Diet :)


I would like to also add rid your house of toxins and chemicals like bleach and other cleaning products and use vinegar and water in a spray bottle and baking soda. Filter your water, don't use tap or buy bottled. Buy an eco friendly laundry soap like Ecos brand-it doesn't contain formaldehyde and other chemicals.
Eat unprocessed foods, add more raw fruits and veggies to your diet that are organic and have not had added dyes to them.

Take red raspberry leaf, cramp bark tincture, Nettles, Red Clover, Oat Straw, Lemon Balm, Skullcap, and Rose Hips to strengthen uterus (check health food store or online for these).

(From what I have learned, foods you eat really affect fertility! So hopefully some of this helps those of you who take clomid-there might be a less need for it.)


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