Help! My son keeps taking his diaper off!

edited March 2012 in Babies
My son's 8 months old, and recently he's been taking his diaper off. I catch him, and he's pulled both of the tabs away from his diaper. He even tries to take it off while he has clothes on! Anyone else go through this? And how did you resolve the problem? I was going to start cloth diapering him again, but I don't want him ripping the diapers with the snaps off!


  • I think he wants to be toilet trained. I hear thats what the babies usually do when they wanna start using the potty. But he's still too young for that I think.
  • Duck tape and pants my son sis or if I didn't have pants on him I throw away a few sleepers before I realized he just needed pants or duck tape
  • Put his diaper on backwards till he looses interest
  • @barefootmama he does it with pants on too! i will have to try the duct tape idea though.

    @tinka1326 i didnt think of that!
  • My son did the same, he still isn't potty trained.. I thought he was ready. He just wanted to pull it off. What I did was cut the feet off an older pair of feety pajamas (mainly for nap and nighttime) and put them on backwards. It took awhile but it worked. He eventually stopped. He also, during the same phase liked to dig in his dirty diaper and pull out the poop and usually ended up on the daughter never did any of this so it was new to The whole poop and taking off diaper thing has stopped and now he only takes it off if I tell him to, like getting ready for bed or bathtime:)
    We did also try putting the diaper on backwards he figured that out quick.
  • Another idea is the Huggies slide on diapers, bc the tabs aren't to obvious. I used those for awhile too...but they can be a pain bc you pretty much have to take the baby's pants off to put them on, that's why I stopped using them.
  • My daughter is 4 months and if she doesn't have clothes on she will pull hers off. I use to let her sit home in just her diaper because she's so hot natured but I can't do that anymore.
  • My son did that and I used duck tape like @barefootmama suggested. Lol, I felt like a horrible mama wrapping my baby in duck tape, :) so glad I'm not the only one.
    Just tape over the tabs so you can still get it off. Going to have to start doing this with my daughter soon. I'm so glad they have "designer" tape now so I won't get as many strange looks.

    You can also try a chunky (un-swallow-able) bracelet for him to focus his attention. Maybe he'll try to take that off instead of the diaper.
  • The only thing that broke my kids from it was pullups
  • @sehra4177 @Mrz_Jackson they make pull ups for younger babies? I didn't really want to have to get into buying disposable's since I wanted to cloth diaper again since I'm going to have another baby in August.
  • It's not really pull ups more like a diaper but it slides on like a pull up. They are new from huggies. I did try them they work but my son wears regular jeans and I'd be taking off shoes and jeans just to put it on. But if you're at home or just doing it temporarily its not bad. Sometimes if they try and can't get it open they give once my son realized he wasn't getting his diaper off he stopped.
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