measuring further?

edited March 2012 in Pregnant
Does measuring further mean anything? My Bff is measuring 34 weeks but she's 32 per EDD. Do these babies come earlier or could she be further along or is this super common?


  • I measured a week or so ahead with my last 2 babies and they both were born on the dd and the other the day after the dd :)
  • Also it could be the way the baby is positioned to measure differently
  • I measured 2 weeks further up until 37 weeks. He decided to come 1 week early...just hours before my scheduled c section.
  • Doesn't mean a thing. :) If it starts measuring 4-5 weeks ahead or behind, they may order another growth scan.
  • My last baby kept measuring 2 wks bigger. She came out 9.7 lbs. At 39wks with c section. This pregnancy is doing the same thing so looks like a big baby again for me
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