Double ear infection - help

I have an infection in both ear. I've been sick a week & this just popped up today!

Isnt there a funnel thing with a candle or something. I caant think of it. You use it to rid earaches.

Malia has been really sick too, but no signs of ear infections yet.


  • Neti pot and garlic oil instead of antibiotics
  • Soak hydrogen prioxide in your ears, each ear 10 minutes let drain for 5 minutes. If you shower use a blow dryer on the low/warm setting to dry out your ears. I've heard Apple cider vinegar works to kill infection but I've never tried it so I don't know for sure. I've also heard of people soaking olive oil and peppermint oil in their ears but I'm not sure if that would work and I'm to chicken sh*t to try it out on myself. Lol

    They do make ear candles, call your local holistic store they should know where to get them if they do not stock them. I'm not sure if they would help with an infection but they should help clear out/loosen any compacted wax which will defendently help with the pressure. I think they have a special name but I can't think of it currently but if you ask for the ear candles and describe what you want to do with them they should know what you are talking about. Might even be able to give you additional advice.

  • edited March 2012
    Why can't you just get antibiotics? Against insurance? any case, I have heard of that candle thing...but I googled it and this is what I got
    You can't use it when you have an infection, only once it's gone
    Hope you feel better
  • PS antibiotics do nothing to shorten the course of infection. Its the same length without. Antibiotics kill good and bad yeast leaving you susceptible to yeast infections/thrush and ruin the gut flora.
    I have a holistic doc, and yes ear candles
  • edited March 2012
    @bahamamama4828 you are right about antibiotics killing the good and bad bacteria, leaving you susceptible to an imbalance in yeast...but that's why probiotics are great...take probiotics while you take the antibiotics and you should not have any yeast issues.

    Although I disagree with you about antibiotics "do nothing to shorten the course of infection." If you have a bacterial infection they work great! Within 24 hours, you will start to feel better...but if you have a viral infection, they will not help one bit. It's hard to figure out when an illness is viral or bacterial, so if the antibiotics never helped you, I would say you didn't truly have a bacterial infection then.
  • That being said, not all ear infections are bacterial....but ear infections suck, and if you try antibiotics for at least 2 days and there's no improvement in symptoms then it could just be viral
  • @Summergirl22 yep! We do probiotics :)
    I was stating my doctor about the duration :) I have never had to deal with an ear infection.
  • edited March 2012
    Probiotics are awesome! :)
    Yeah doctors like to take credit away from antibiotics these days....considering the abuse and the creation of super bugs which become immune to antibiotics, it's understandable to some extent...but it's just like kids cold medicine being taken off the market because a few bad mothers were drugging their kids to's like just because some people are idiots, don't let that get in the way of my or my kids treatment! Ugh society...*sigh*
  • ugh, i had a double ear infection just after evie was born, both ears were weeping and the pain was f***ed. antiobiotics helped the indection, plus cotton wool in the ear to catch any leakage and i didnt do this but i was told to cut an onion in half and leave it overnight near the bed as it supposedly soaks up infection?? like i say i didnt try, but may b worth a go. oh and try not to wash your hair, or if u have to then blowdry it straight after coz wet hair irritated the hell out of mine. wishing you better xx
  • Thank you all!

    I do have insurance, but my doc doesnt accept walk in and appts are a month awsy. I would have to sit in the ER for 5 hrs with my sick child with me :(

    I am going to try the peroxide first.

    My mom used to put oil in our ears, but I dont remember the results.
  • Can you go to a store like cvs or walgreens? Some have the clinics and they can prescribe you something if needed.
  • PS garlic oil works better and faster than antibx. :)
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