Women whose bds cheated and you took them back
Help me. I found out yesterday that my bd had been seeing another woman. He said it was just as friends first then we decided we were going to take a break and that same night he was planning on fucking her. Well he came home that night and the next day told me he was going to help his friend move. Well he wouldn't respond to my messages so I had googled where this chick lived and I drove by and he was there so I got out and beat on her door until he answered. He swears all they have done is kiss and that it just happened yesterday. He says he knows he was stupid and made a mistake and wants to work things out. I'm so hurt and empty and torn. Can I ever trust him again?. He's 23 and I was his first girlfriend and first in bed. He says he feels like he's missing out on life but with all that happened yesterday now he says he wants me. I don't know what to do.
Cliff note version? Leave his ass. Respect yourself.
He hasn't sowed his oats. I would leave, you both need to date around. Hard with babies, i know, we had 3. Now i am with a guy that was a manwhore in his 20s but now settled down. Lord knows he could cheat too, but he's home at night and its not anything like the first hubby. Then again we have other issues! It depends on what you can live with, what you can handle. He has been planning this for some time. Sounds like you need to get rid of him, but i know its easier said than done.